(REQUEST) (You're so cute when your shy) (Malik X Shy! Reader)

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Anxiety is a bitch. But there are some ways to deal with them. Maybe covering your ears. Or maybe trying to escape as quick as possible. Moving to a completely new town is absolutely terrible. It felt like your heart was about to explode and fear was coursing through your body. You felt like everyone was looking at you and judging you.

It wasn't a nice feeling at all.

When you were in your new house you unpacked everything and stayed in your house for the rest of the day. Which wasn't helping the fact that you had some knocks on the door that came from the fellow people. One person knocked a bit harshly which was a bit scary. The knocks stopped and it was a bit relieving that it stopped but you had a feeling that whoever was knocking might try and knock again another time.

The next morning came and you had to go down to the small market to buy food. The idea of leaving your house for even a moment was terrifying but you had no choice. You left the house and started to head to the market, or at least tried to find it. The large towers caught your attention and you decided to check them out. Not that many people were going inside but your curiosity was still guiding you. It was nerve wrecking since it seemed like you weren't allowed to enter the area but you wanted to know so badly.

When you get inside, it honestly didn't look that interesting now that you had a much better look at it. When you turned around, three men with all white clothing and white hoods were there. Your heart immediately started to pick up pace. You tried to get around them but they continued to block you. A hand then grabbed your shoulder and yanked you back which then presented a blade to your throat. Your body was so tense and you had tears welling up. The man who had you by the shoulder also had a white hood but with a scar on his lip.

You just wanted to leave now. These men were scaring you. "The Templars are true imbeciles if they believe that they can send in one of their spies and that we wouldn't even know". You obviously didn't know what he was talking about and you then said, "What are you talking about? I'm not a spy"! He sends out a blade from his wrist and presents it to you threatingly. You were horrified until an arm took a hold of the persons bladed wrist and brought it away from you. "Novice, I was trying to tell you that it's not a spy. She's just new to our town".

The man with the scar on his lip gave you a death glare and ordered the other men to depart. When they left, you felt so much relief that you wanted to drop to the floor. "I apologize miss. We thought you were a spy".

"A spy? For who"?

"The Templars". You heard of them before but never bothered to learn what their intention is. There has been some talk about them and that they keep coming into large cities and taking control. This didn't bother you since you moved just in time when they came into the city you used to live in. Now that you hear their names again but this time in a way that implies that they're evil makes you feel lucky.

You wanted to ask more about the Templars but you felt embarrassed to speak to him since he was actually really handsome. "I apologize, I have not introduced myself. My name is Malik Al Sayef. I'm an Assassin that protects the town and it's civilians. And your name would be..?" You didn't say anything, you were only having your face turning red in embarrassment. Malik thought it was cute and said, "I believe someone is nervous".

You took some steps back since your body was trying get you to walk away and get back to your home. Malik noticed and he got in front of you to stop you from leaving. That's when you noticed something you should've seen already. He was missing an arm! You looked at where his arm used to be and he quickly noticed. "I lost my arm from the Templars. They ambushed me and my younger brother, Kadar".

"I'm sorry" you said so quietly. It was sad to hear his brief story but you were still nervous around him. He moved a bit closer to you and you started to look away from his gaze. He was so handsome it was making your heart swell. Not literally. You would be dead if that happened. You then turned and quickly left to go back home. Malik was strong willed and followed you. You knew he was following you and you tried hiding your smile. When you got to your house and opened your door, Malik was standing there with a smug look.

"How did you get in"!?

"I'm an Assassin. I hide in plain sight". You felt your cheeks getting heated in embarrassment. "I never heard your name. Am I allowed to know what it is"? You stuttered and said "(Y/n)". He smiled and moved closer to you. You went around him to get to your stuff. But when you turned back around, he was gone. You turned back around again and he was right in front of you and it scared you to death. You jumped back and nearly fell over. "Are you alright"?

"Yes. But why are you following me"?

"We never got a chance to finish introductions. But if I may..."

"Yes" you aksed nervously.

"Forgive me for saying but I think your cute when your shy" Malik said with a smirk. You blushed and turned away my from him. So he wouldn't see your blush. You heard chuckle and felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around and he was so close to you that when you turned around, you two made lip contact. Both of your faces turned red and you both just backed up but you both smiled. How were you supposed to respond to this?

You responded like this...

After more awkward encounters, Malik purposely kept showing at your door and even took you out one night. It took awhile but you eventually got comfortable around him completely. What more could be said, he's perfect for you. He's enchanting, strong and loving. So much more could be said about him and how amazing he is but we'll stick with the three traits that stand out the most.

But it all comes down to this... You two love each other and nothing will ever change that.

Author's notes:

Ok, here you go VeroCaLeck. Todays my birthday!!! I'm now 20 years old... Oh my god... I'm so old. Time flies by so fast. The next one shots will also be posted on my birthday and I really hope you guys enjoy them! We're getting close to the one hundredth one shot and as I said before... Once the one hundredth one shot is posted, the request poll will be reopened. So keep a look out for that.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed, bye bye😊

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