(CROSSOVER) (Time rifts) (Assassins Creed and Red Dead Redemption 2)

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*Title was too long*: All Assassins and Van der Linde gang members X Child reader.


A time rift in this particular instance is described as when certain points in time collide and has a certain outcome. One being having multiple people from different points in the past collide and be in the same place and time. That's what happened to certain killers that were considered the good guys. The Assassins. They sheath their blades from the flesh of the innocent and work in the dark to serve the light. That includes the defenseless and young ones.

But now that they have something to protect, they were very overprotective of it. Of her. Of you. You were adopted into their very mixed family after some type of time rift was released and the Assassins were brought to the modern era. There was no explanation and they had very limited options. You were too young to be left alone and they had a roof over their heads, so it was a start. After a very long heated argument and them asking you questions, they all agreed to stay put for the time being to see if anything else would happen. They had no idea what would happen next but it was the only thing that was thought of.

There was eleven of them and only two of them were female. Jacobs twin sister and Alexioss sister. You were only four and were full of energy and happiness. It was a bit of a breather that you were calmed down and were just sitting on the couch next to Connor and Jacob playing with a stuffed cat. After they settled down, kinda, they were all still trying to get to know each better. At least trying to. You were now starting to get bored and looked up at Jacob who wasn't really paying attention to the current conversation. You tugged on his arm which reeled him back to reality as he looked to you to see what it was you wanted. "Play"?

The others looked when you asked that question and had no problem with it. Jacob didn't really care so he stood up and you raced off with him following. The others smiled and went back to their conversations. You led Jacob to another part of the house where there multiple rooms that were either empty or were other bedrooms. "Hide and seek"?

"Alright. Ready? Go"! You took off running as you heard Jacob counting and ran into a bedroom to hide. But there was something in the room that was very strange. The wall was glowing and looked like there were other people just walking around in the small area. You walked up to wall and when you touched it, your hand went right through it. "17...18...19". Knowing you only had one second left, you walked through the wall and were now in a new place entirely. The people didn't notice you since you were behind a tree. But there was something that caught your eye. They had weapons and a few of them wore big hats.

"HEY! WHO'S THERE" a voice called out. You looked over and saw a man coming towards you and when the light showed off what you were, his expression changed. "What are you doing here"?

"I don't know" you said quietly while holding onto your stuffed cat. "Dutch! Come here, quickly"! You were starting to get scared and started to back up from the man who you saw more clearly now as a man with a beard, a plad shirt, jeans and a rifle. Then two more men can over. One with a black vest, black hair and a mustache, guns in holsters, a white shirt with small black stripes underneath the vest, black boots and black pants. And the other man had a light brown and dusty jacket, a black cowboy hat with a single rope tied around it, black boots, a very short scruffy beard, short brown hair and fingerless gloves with guns in their holsters.

The two men looked on in confusion and weren't sure what to do. The man with black hair got down on one knee and asked, "What are you doing out here, missy"?

"I don't know".

"Do you know where your parents are"? You shook your head no and the man now looked more desperate to find a solution to this problem. "Dutch? What we gonna do"? The man, who was named Dutch, glanced between you and the nearby road. "She's too little to be by herself and I highly doubt O'Driscolls or Pinkertons have children as workers. Miss Grimshaw"! Not long after he called out, an older woman came over. "Miss Grimshaw. Please get this young lady some food and water".

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