(REQUEST) (My feelings for you are strong) (Desmond Miles X Reader)

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"Desmond, wake up! Wake up now"! Desmond woke up abruptly to the sound of your voice. "(Y/n)? What's going on"?

"Now's not the time to talk, just get into the animus quickly".


"Now's not the time, let's go". You started walking him to the animus and he was still questioning what was going on. You booted up the animus and said, "get in".

"What's with the blood on your clothes, are you ok"?

"Desmond we've got ten minutes, maybe less before they figure out what I've done, now get in" you said.

"But (y/n)-"

"Look, Desmond, I promise I will answer all your questions when were done but right now I need you to just shut up and get into the animus" you said urgently. Desmond didn't say anything else and got into the animus. Desmond had to sync with his other ancestor, Ezio Auditore, before you and him leave.

The reason as to why is because Ezio was the last known assassin to have had the apple of eden. So as soon as Desmond syncs with Ezio's birth, then Desmond will be able to find the current location of the apple of eden before Abstergo does. While Desmond was syncing with Ezio's birth, you couldn't help but notice how handsome Desmond was, even if he was unconscious.

The machine notified you that Desmond was finished and the sequence was saved into a hard drive you stole from Abstergo. Desmond got up and you took out the hard drive. "Let's go".

"Where are we going"?

"We're getting out of here, now lets go". You took the hard drive and opened the door to escape. You both ran down the hallway and saw two guards who noticed you two, but you were fast enough to shut tge glass doors to prevent them from reaching you two. "Security we have a breach. Subject 17 is attempting to escape with (y/n) (l/n). Send back up immeaditly".

The plan was to sneak out of Abstergo and get Desmond into the trunk of the car so he wouldn't be detected but now that the Abstergo people found you two, sneaking out wasn't an option. You two made it dowm a hallway and up ahead were two guards and they both had batons.

One started swinging at you but you dodged it in time to grab it and use it against him to knock him out. The second guard swung his baton but you did the same movement that you did to the fisrt guard. Desmond saw this and was stunned. "Holy shit!"

This made you smirk to Desmond's shock but now was not the time to laugh. You and Desmond kept running until you both reached a door. This door required a key card and the password. You swiped the key card and put the password but the password wasn't right. "Fuck, I thought that was the right password" you said with panic.

"Wait". You looked at Desmond who was staring at the key pad. He pushed the buttons in a random order. He failed. He did it again. He failed again. "What are you doing"? He didn't say anything and did it again but this time he got it right.

The door opened up and you said, "How did you do that"?

"I don't know, I could just see the right numbers that people entered". You wanted to know more but figured it was his eagle vision that he developed from Altaïr. You both continued running down the hall and ran into an elevator. "I know things are confusing Desmond but it will make sense once we get out of here".

"At least tell me why I had to sync with that kids birth" he asked curiously. "That 'kid' was Ezio Auditore da Firenze. The master assassin and was the last known assassin to have known where the apple of eden was".

"But why are we doing this then"?

"That's something I'll explain when were out of here". The elevator doors opened up to reveal small see through rooms with a bunch of animus's. This was something Desmond didn't know about but you didn't really want to talk about it since it didn't really make any sense. "So many animus's. What are they trying to do"?

You ignored that question and you both kept running through the maze of corridors. "Desmond, hurry! Don't turn back, keep running"! Desmond wondered why you were being so urgent and looked behind him to see Abstergo security guards chasing after you both. "SHIT"! Desmond ran fatser and was now running next to you. The exit doors were coming to view and you grabbed Desmond's hand and ran faster than anything Desmond's seen.

You both got through the doors and you locked it shut. You both were now in a small parking room where there was a car at the ready. You walked over to the car and opened the trunk. "Get in". Desmond assumed he would get the same amswer which was 'we don't have time'. Desmond complied and got into the trunk. You closed it and you quickly got into the drivers seat.

But you slowed down for a little bit due to you getting tired.


The drive took awhile but you could tell Desmond was going to shove questions down your throat. But since you promised to answer his questions, you can just picture Desmond asking ten thousand questions at once. You made it to the warehouse where Shaun and Rebecca were waiting for you to come back with Desmond.

You parked the car and opened up the trunk where Desmond popped right out and said, "Well, that was pleasant. I love being shoved in the trunks of cars" he said sarcastically. You then became exhausted and Desmond noticed this. "(Y/n)? Are you alright"?

You didn't say anything but the world around you became dark and you got knocked out. Desmond caught you just in time and since he didn't know the anatomy of the building, he put you down on the ground and ran to the car to find something to wake you up. He was lucky to find a water bottle that was almost empty and he took it to see if it would help.

He opened it up and took a small amount on his hand to dab your forehead with the cold water. Desmond was terrified that this wouldn't work. But just like the rest of my terrible one shots, it did work. You blinked your eyes open and saw Desmond holding you by your back. His expression was scared but it quickly went to a relieved expression when he saw that you woke up.

"Oh thank God your alright". You felt that tug at your heartstrings and knew that your heart wanted to tell Desmond the thought you always had about him. "Desmond"?


"Can I tell you something, please"? Desmond nodded and awaited for your question patiently. "Well, I don't know how else to say this but... I think I..."

"What is it"?

"I think I... I think... I love you". Desmonds eye's widened and your heart started pounding faster than normal. "You think or you know" he asked.

"I... I'm sorry but... I know" you said hiding your face in your hands. Desmond gently took your hands from your face and kissed you on your lips. It felt like the world stopped rotating and you couldn't believe he was doing this. He must have the same feelings for you if he did this.

"Do you mean that" he asked when he pulled back. "Yes, you feel the same" you asked.

"Yes, I just didn't know how to tell you but you beat me to it" he said with his memorable smile. You both smiled but you pulled back because you remembered something. "Did you want your answers now" you asked. He thought for a moment and said, "no, I'll get them later" and you both then went back to kissing.

He loves you, you love him... everything checks out.

Author's notes:

Ok, here you go FrozenInIce. Writer's block is a bitch, I swear. It's like having ten brick walls fall on top of you but you somehow survive and recover. But it's tough to predict on how long it will take to recover from it. But, my God, it fucking sucks. However, I think I did great on this one shot.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

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Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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