(REQUEST) (CROSSOVER) (Prototype + Assassins Creed) (Desmond X Alex Mercer)

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Before I begin, I know nothing about the game Prototype. This will take a while to finish so try not to judge too harshly...

"Desmond, you need to hurry, now"! Desmond was in the Gentech facility trying to retrieve a supposed antidote for an outbreak of a virus that occurred at pen station. Desmond and his crew had a feeling that they were responsible some how. Rebecca heard rumors of a possible antidote but there was no proof of that, which wasn't surprising.

Desmond made a sharp turn down a hallway and kept following Rebeccas directions. She was leading him to a specific room where they test prototypes of their creations. (I don't know what I'm talking about).

Desmond's first objective was to locate Alex J. Mercer, the one who runs this whole thing, which was called the blacklight project. Another thing Desmond and his team heard about was that everyone affiliated with the project was murdered. This undeniable put a bunch of questions in the teams mind.

It was mostly, "why"?

But Desmond and the other modern assassins will find out. "Desmond, the lab is coming up on your right". Desmond made a sharp turn and reached the locked door. He used the key card that he stole and it opened up to reveal Alex. Alex J. Mercer.

He was hooked up to a heart rate monitor and on a stretcher. "Rebecca, are you seeing this"?

"Yeah. God damn it, so now we have no other leads. Desmond, your gonna have to take him with you".

"Great, just great". Desmond was about to touch Alex but Alex quickly shot open his eyes and sat up. "Who are you" Alex asked menacingly.

"Desmond Miles, but I know who you are, Alex J. Mercer". Alex ripped off the monitors on his chest and stood up to face Desmond. "I don't care if you know me, tell me where the fuck I am".

"Were in Gentech facility. But I want to ask you something. Are you responsible for the virus outbreak on Manhattan island"?

"It's my research and I didn't mean for the outbreak to happen"!

"SO IT WAS ALEX"! Desmond cringed in pain because he was wearing an ear piece and Rebecca just shouted in his ear. "Look, it doesn't matter. Your coming with me".

"Who? Me, or the guy who's about to kill you"? Desmond turned around confused and saw a security guard with a handgun about to shoot Desmond. Desmond was about to attack but the guard was shot right in the forehead. The guard dropped dead and Desmond turned around and saw Alex with a hand gun pointed at were the guard was but Alex then brought the gun down. "Why did you save me"?

"Still want me to go with you"?

"Hold on, why are you helping me now" asked Desmond as he kept his pace from Alex. "Are you kidding? You'd be an idiot to refuse my help. I don't know how you were able to get in without getting killed but getting out is ten times harder than you'd expect. Now let's go".

Desmond then heard Rebecca say in the ear piece, "Desmond, the guards are coming, if he's serious about helping then take him with you".

"Fine, just stay close to me" said Desmond. "I don't take orders from a little assassin". Desmond practically jumped out of his skin when he heard that. "You know who the assassins are"!?

"Don't play dumb with me, of course I do. Now let's go". Alex then started to run down the hall with Desmond following after him. "Hang on, how do you know about the assassins"?

"You know, I didn't peg you as the stupid type. I know about them because of it's history and the fact that Abstergo offered a partnership with me and Gentech. I denied because the CEO wouldn't shut up about you guys". A guard was coming down the hall and Desmond tackled him and stabbed him in the head with his hidden blade. "Nice move, but why a knife" asked Alex.

"It's a hidden blade" said Desmond as they both continued down the hall. "OH, I'm sorry. Excuse the shit out of me"! Desmond rolled his eyes and said, "forget it, let's go". They both continued to run and Alex led Desmond to a locked door. Alex typed in a code and it opened up revealing more than twenty security guards.

"Oh shit"! Alex took out handgun and started firing but pulled Desmond by the arm and they both made a dash going back where they came. They turned down the other hallway and Alex saw Desmond getting lose from his grip and taking a chair to smash the window. Alex slammed the door and pushed a desk in front of it to block them from entering.

"C'mon, we have to jump"!

"Now you really are the crazy type, are you insane!? We won't make it, you idiot"!

"Trust me, NOW JUMP"! Desmond then jumped out the window performing a leap of faith. Alex quickly turned around and saw the door being banged and banged on until it finally broke. Alex had no choice. Alex jumped out the window and the fall was high but he landed in a huge pile of leaves.

Alex couldn't believe it, he's alive! Alex got out of the leaves and saw Desmond with a smug look. "Still think I'm stupid"?

"How did you know this was here"?

"I used my... well, I'll explain later. It's too complicated to explain". Alex wanted to know what he was going to say but had to agree that there were more pressing matters at hand. "Alright, so where do we go now"?

Desmond was about to say something but out of nowhere, a police officer tackled by a police officer. He tried to put handcuffs on him but Alex grabbed him and had the indescribable desire to... eat.

Alex gave in to his desire and bit into the police officers shoulder. The officer yelped in pain and Alex kept munching down. Desmond was horrified and backed up a bit. After Alex basically ate the officers entire right shoulder, Alex stood up and felt strange. He turned around and saw Desmond with the look of horror.

"WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT"!? Alex wanted to answer but a van pulled up and the door opened to reveal Shaun and Rebecca. "Come on, let's go"! Alex got into the van but Desmond didn't move. "DESMOND, LET'S GO" said Alex. Desmond still didn't move. Alex groaned and grabbed Desmond and pulled him into the van. Alex shut the door and the van drove off.

Desmond finally came out of shock and looked to Alex and said, "you've got a ton of things to explain". Alex nodded and the van drove off to go back the hideout.

Author's notes:

Ok, here you go Creatorwaffle. Sorry this took so long but I've never played Prototype before, nor have I even heard of it. I tried my best to write this, though I think I failed horribly. I hope you guys can forgive me.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

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Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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