(REQUEST) (A blessing for him) (Arno Dorian x Reader)

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Paris. The city of love and light. Even in these times, your joy and caring nature was a bright ray of light.

The year was 1796, and during this time you had noticed something strange in the city. There weren't that many threats of burglars or killers. You first noticed the burglars being taken down by a strange man, then next he's killing the people who would rob people and murder them next. Everything was being resolved by this strange man.

Once again, you see him kill a well known robber and you run up to him but before you could ask who he was, he climbed up the building so fast that you were to shocked to call after him.

Two days later, you see him on the rooftops jumping and stopping at a ledge that overlooked the city. You wanted to call out to him but that would probably make you fell embarrassed so that's not really an option. You instead tried to get up the building, not by climbing, but by going in the building and using the stairs. You finally get there and see him still standing there. You asked politely, "Excuse me sir". He slowly turned to you, and he didn't really speak. "I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you, but I was hoping if you could enlighten me on if you knew who was responsible for killing off the, uhh, bad people, and who's been making the city safer"?

You knew that the killing was him, but most of Paris has been, what the people prefer to say, liberated, and you wanted to see if he was somehow connected to that as well. "I am the one who is saving the rest of Paris. It's what Elise would've wanted me to do-"

"Who's Elise" you asked abruptly. He paused and sighed. "She was a templar who I took under my wing. She was the love of my life but...*sighs*, she's been dead for two years".

"I'm so sorry for your loss" you said taking a few steps closer to him. "Thank you" he said in a slightly depressed tone. "No, I really mean it, I know how you feel. I'm in that same situation, my husband died at the hands of Templars" you said with a couple tears forming in your eyes. "Templars" he asked. "Yes, my husband was an assassin who was still in training, he only had about 3 years of training left, but when he finished he wanted to teach me himself, but sadly that's not gonna happen".

"Well, perhaps, if your ever available, I will take his stance and train you myself" he said pulling his hood down revealing his face that composed of brown eyes and brown hair up in a ponytail with a small smile on his face. "Wait, your an assassin" you asked.

"Yes, it was me and Elise who have done all the things you have mentioned" he said coming towards you.

"Listen I'm sorry, but I didn't catch your name" you said taking more steps closer. "OH, I'm so sorry mademoiselle, I am Arno Victor Dorian" he said with a bow of courtesy. "Well thank you Arno, my name is (y/n) (m/n) (l/n)".

"Anyways, if you would like, I would be honored to train you if you wish". "You can train me" you asked in shock. "Of course, anything for you mademoiselle" he said with a wink. You blushed and said, "I'd hate ask but I don't really know how to get down from the building". He knew what you were asking and gently took in his arm's as he gently descended from the building rooftop.

"Thank you Arno, where can I meet you again". "Meet me in the nearby park tomorrow and I shall start your training" he said. He gently took your hand and kissed it. "Until then, mademoiselle".


It was night time and Arno was pacing back and forth contemplating whether or not it was a good idea. "Is this a good idea? My love for you Elise is still here but it's starting to fade away. What do I do"? He fell to his knees, "What do I do"?

"No matter what Arno, I'll always love you". Arno looked up and saw Elise standing there as a ghost. "Elise"!? He quickly ran up to hug her but when he reached her he went right through and almost fell forward pushing some furniture out of place.

"Elise"? "Arno, it's ok, I already know about this woman who you offered to train. It does not bother me that you found another girl who you may have the same feelings for you as I did. I only wish for you to be happy" she said as Arno regained his composure. "But, my love, why do you want me to go for her".

"I've been by you ever since my death and it makes me sad knowing your still deeply saddened by that event" she said as she caressed his cheek. He gently put his hand over top her hand on his cheek and started to envelope in tears.

"I miss you my little dove" he said as he was so close to crying. "I miss you too my love" she said as her ghost form hugged him. He instantly hugged her back even though he didn't feel anything. "Promise me".

Arno sat up in bed and saw that the furniture he knocked out of place were still out of place. He laid there confused and said, "I will my love, but please remember that I will never forget you. Over my dead body will I forget you. I will follow your words and keep your promise".


You were patiently awaiting for Arno to arrive in the same clothes your husband wore when he was still an assassin. Yes, his clothes fit you, that's not wierd.

"Are those your husband's attire". You whipped around to see Arno leaning on a tree with a rose in his mouth. You smile and nodded, "I was surprised that they fit me". He smiled and said, "this is for you". He took the rose out of his mouth and handed it to you as a gentleman.

You gasped, "thank you so much". "Shall we begin" he asked. You nodded and the training began.

All of that happened six years ago. You were now a highly trained assassin and did various missions with your now assassin husband. You would refer to him as the love of your life since your old husband was not around a lot and you didn't really have the feeling of his love after some time. Arno would refer to you as his blessing. It would make you blush.

One night while you were sleeping, Arno got out of bed slowly to not awake you. He went to the roof and looked up at the sky to see only one star out. He smiled. "Thank you Elise, I still haven't forgot about you".

"I'm happy for you Arno, but just remember one thing, I'm still with you in thought. As much as I still love you, it's natural to move on" she said. She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek, "I love you", and then she vanished.

Arno looked over at where she just was and saw nothing then looked up and saw that single star. "I love you too". Just then the star shot through the sky and was gone.

Arno got back to the bedroom, got back to the bed and laid down with you. He leaned in to kiss you and he whispers, "I love you (y/n)". He then falls back asleep holding your hand. You smile in your sleep and whisper, "I love you too".

Author's notes:

Ok, here you go estefilovesyou. Another request I finished in the spam of one day. I tried getting it done as fast as I could. I hope you enjoyed.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Please leave a vote and make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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