(SERIES) (2) (Impossible but so simple) (Glitch Transformation)

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There's a reason why parents are always tired and rely on coffee. It's because they're woken up all the time at night by crying. But then again, it's not the babies fault. In your case, you could've easily done that yourself but now, you can't walk, talk or even worse, get up to use the bathroom. You awoke and saw everything was the same as yesterday. You were still wearing the same thing and you felt cold and hungry. You once again tried moving but all you did was squirm and it alerted Edward.

He instantly woke up and saw you squirming and you looked upset. He picked you up and took the bottle and went to prepare the milk. Edward wasn't that tired since he was used to be awake for long periods of time. That, and also because he had a son before. Remember, Haytham.

Edward finished making the milk and fed it to you. You started ingesting the liquid food. Not long after that, a couple of the other's started to wake up. Jacob appeared with Altaïr and they both went ahead to wake up everyone else. You were still ingesting the liquid food and you saw that Edward was studying you. He gave you a small smile as you kept ingesting the food. Once you finished the bottle, Edward put the bottle away and handed you off to Jacob, who tensed up and looked at Edward confusingly. "Hold her for a moment, I'll be right back".

Jacob adjusted his hold on you and made sure your head was supported. He didn't want to drop you so he tightened his grip on you. It was a bit tight for you but you didn't complain. You've seen Jacob before but it was only in the animus. He was caring and protective but a bit immature and free willed. So now that your here, he had to try to change that. You knew what they were all capable of and that made you curious.

How fast are they in real time?

You laughed in agreement with this little plan you've concocted. Now that they all were downstairs, they heard your laughter and some of them smiled. "What's so funny, huh" asked Jacob. You laughed again and he only smiled since he figured that you were laughing just because you were probably in a good mood. But that was just an assumption. Jacob didn't know anything at all when it came to babies other than the fact that they were small and helpless. He would need to learn more.

Edward came back over to Jacob and carefully took you away from him. "We need to start our search. Two of us should go out searching where she was found and the rest of us will search in the town" said Connor.

"Wouldn't it be a better idea if we stayed together as a group" asked Alexios.

"No. It would raise to much attention. But before we head out, I should change her first" said Edward. They understood and Arno grabbed a couple things for him as Edward went to a separate room to change you. "How are we supposed to find her mother? She could be anywhere by now" said Jacob.

"That begs the question, who left her there and why" said Alexios.

"What if it was her mother who did this? Then what are we supposed to do" asked Bayek. They were all hoping that it wasn't your mother and that she had nothing to do with this but if you think about it, it is technically her fault. A mother is supposed to care for her baby and make sure nothing bad happens to them in anyway. They all mentally agreed on that, but why did this happen? They couldn't understand but one thing was clear... They may be in an unknown location with other strangers and a very helpless infant but in the end... The Brotherhood of Assassins uphold their duty and look out for each other and protect the innocent.

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