(REQUEST) (I promise to protect you) (Ezio Auditore X OC!)

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OC Characters information:

Name: Estefania Bencart

Age: 24

Features: Long brown hair, brown eyes, caucasian with a nice subtle tan and nice and slim.

Background information:

Her sister, who's name is Florencia Bencart, got mixed up with the Borgia who are now on the hunt for her and her sister. Florencia is an Assassin and has sent her sister to Roma (Rome) to stay under the watchful eyes of the city Assassins, but to be more specific, she said that she wants Estefania to be in the safety of Ezio Auditore.

Let the request... begin...

They told her that she had no choice. They said that it was a safer alternative. They even said that it was a new opportunity.


The reason was because the borgia had kill off any other Assassins which left Estefania with no other option but to head to Roma and meet up with the master Assassin known as Ezio Auditore Da Fierenza. She heard a lot about him but she never met him. Her sister, who went by the name of Florencia, was an assassin who asked him by letter to look after her when this whole thing blows over.

Anyways, Estefania arrived at the port and saw no one who went by the description of Ezio.

Wow... what a great way to welcome you to Roma.

She got off the ship and decided to wait for the master Assassin. He hopefully wouldn't take to long. "You must be Estefania". She turned around and saw a man in the required assassin attire. She quickly examined his facial features. They were just as accurate as her sister had described.

"I am Ezio Auditore Da Fierenza". She blushed, her sister wasn't kidding when she said that she would probably love what she saw when she first meet him. "Yes, I am. I assume now you know why I'm here"? "Yes. In Florencia's letter, she left strict instructions for me and the other assassins to watch over you from the Borgia".

"Did she say anything else in her letter" she asked curiously. She was only curious due to her sister being a little bit overdramatic in letters and in speech. "She also mentioned that you could also be easily be annoyed by anything", he smirked.

"NO, that's not true. What she meant to say was to not make me mad so that way you don't get on my bad side". You trying to correct yourself without blushing was probably the most entertaining Ezio has seen all day.

"Bella (Beautiful), I understand. It's alright", he was mentally chuckling to himself but the only way you could tell he was doing that was because he was smiling. "Come now bella, I will lead you too our hideout", he offered his arm out to her and was now leading her to this susposed hideout.

The city was a little bit different than expected. There were musician's dispersed around every corner as well as people begging for money. Your city was a little bit more lively than this so you might as well get used to it. The city also had a this small country side of some fields and horse's.

"We're here". You stared at what was considered the 'hideout'. It was a small building with a tall tower on top. The inside was a staircase that led down to the main room with paintings, weapons and another lead to what would probably lead too the tower.

"This place is beautiful" she said a little excitedly. "I wish I lived here". "Why do you say that", he raised his brow in curiosity. "Well, when me and my sister were living in Spain, we had to live in an abandoned house so the Borgia wouldn't find us. That's why I would've prefer to live here since it's way better than before".

"You don't need to worry about that anymore. Me and my fellow assassins promised to watch over you until then". You smiled, it was sometimes a rare occurrence when she could truly trust someone even in times like these.

"What is there to do in the city"? "I usually take my horse and ride through the country side". "*gasps*, that actually sounds like fun" she said excitedly. Ezio chuckled, "we have time before sundown, would you like to go out for a ride". She smiled, "I'd love to".


Ezio brought Estefania to the edge of the country side with two horses at the ready to be riden. They both took their own horse and began to ride through fields of green and farmland. It was nice and peaceful with the sun setting.

Ezio was leading the way to a cliff that oversees the country side and a little bit of the city. Sadly, she got separated by him by nearly running over the people. She apologized to them and was about to continue but Ezio was nowhere to be found.

She started heading forward but the horse was knocked down only to have men grab her and pin her against the wall. "WHERE IS YOUR SISTER"!? Estefania started crying, "ANSWER ME". She shut her eyes in fear. Her sister made her promise to never reveal where she is. Not even to the assassins. "Kill her". She started shaking badly. She waited for the pain to come... but...

Nothing happened.

She slowly and cautiously opened her eyes. Three dead men laid on the ground lifeless and bloody. "Are you injured bella". Her looked over and saw Ezio with worry on his face. Her nerves had finally calm down and her started to get better now that he was here and also because he saved her life.

"I'm fine, thank you so much", she then hugged him tightly. "As I promised, I will protect you", he then placed a nice subtle kiss on her forehead. She smiled and didn't dare to let go. Perhaps her sister was right, maybe she will love him.

Author's note's:

Ok, here you go, estefilovesyou. I apologize for this being late. School is getting in the way a little bit and I'm trying to find more time to write more one shots. But I promise that I'm trying.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Please leave a vote and make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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