(Who cares what anyone else thinks) (Haytham Kenway X Assassin! Reader)

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You were an assassin that worked with Connor. You lived on the homestead, but you had your own home. You enjoyed your own privacy.

You and Connor were in New York looking for his father for a mission to locate Benjamin Church. You both went to a dock near this market waiting to see Haytham. While you never met Haytham before, you were a little nervous since Connor spoke so lowly of him.

"Evening Connor. I see your still in one piece" said Haytham as he emerged from one of the markets. You both turned around and saw the man that Connor had spoken about.

"Recovered from your beating then" remarked Connor. Haytham gave him an annoyed look before he darted his eyes over to you. "And who's this".

"My name's (y/n). I'm Connor's fellow assassin" you said offering your hand to shake. Haytham took your hand and kissed it like a proper gentleman. You blushed slightly and were delighted. "It's a pleasure to meet you miss (y/n)" said Haytham with a slight bow of respect. You chuckled at his polite mannerism. "Anyways Benjamin Church is held up at an abandoned brewery near the waterfront. We should be done with this by sunrise" said Haytham.

"Good, I would like to have those supplies returned as soon as possible" replied Connor. "Of course, I wouldn't want to keep you from your lost cause, follow me". He motioned for you both to follow him up a building by jumping to different roof tops. It was difficult at first to keep up with Connor when you first had to learn about roof top running, but you slowly got used to the idea.

"Tell me something, you could've killed me when we first met, what stayed your hand" asked Connor to Haytham.

Haytham turned his head to him as he was faced away from him overseeing the pier. "Curiosity. Any other questions"?

"What is it the Templars truly seek" you asked as you stood next Connor. Haytham turned around with his answer. "Order. Purpose. Direction. No more than that. It's your lot that means to confound with this nonsense talk of freedom. Time was, the Assassins professed a far more sensible goal, that of peace".

"Freedom is peace" corrected Connor in a obvious tone of voice. "Oh no, it's an invitation to chaos. Only look at this little revolution your friends have started. I have stood before the continental Congress and listen to them stamp and shout, all in the name of freedom, but it is just noise".

"And this is why you favor Lee" asked Connor.

"He understands the would be of this nation and professes to make it greater". Connor scoffed in annoyance. "It seems your tongue has tasted sour grapes. The people made their choice, and it was Washington".

"The people chose nothing. It was done by a group of privileged cowards seeking only to enrich themselves and the ones they love. They convened in private and made decisions that would benefit them. They may have dressed it up in pretty words, but that doesn't make it true. Look the only difference Connor, the ONLY difference between myself and those you aid, is that I do not feign affection".

"Enough" you shouted, "both of you, stop fighting and put your differences aside for now. There are more pressing matters at hand then this". They stared at each other for a brief moment and continued to head to their destination. You followed them until you were put to a stop by Haytham.

"I apologize for our arguing. It was not something for you to see" he said apologitily. You smiled. There's something about him that you really enjoy. "It's ok, I'm used to it". Haytham continued to lead you to the brewery, until you and Connor were stopped.

"Hold a moment" said Haytham as he went ahead of you both to get a good look at the building. "Church you clever bastard".

"What is it" you asked. "He's replaced most of the guards with men I don't know. Well, I was hoping to get by without arousing suspicion, but you two".

Connor grabbed his arm to prevent him from going any further. "No, we do this together or not at all".

"What's your plan Connor" you asked. "I will find a guard who's off duty and take his uniform".

"Very well, we will wait here then" said Haytham as he gently guided you to the wall. "Of course you will" remarked Connor. "OH, I'm sorry, would you like me to come along and hold your hand perhaps, provide kind words of encouragement" said Haytham as Connor as he walked off ignoring him.

You couldn't help but wonder if Connor would ever learn to love his father. You had a sneaking suspicion that Haytham wasn't really a bad guy, just misunderstood. "Haytham I-". You were cut off from soft lips on your lips. You didn't pull back and didn't want the moment to end. Your eyes closed with enjoyment. "If my son doesn't treat you fairly, just come to me". You nodded as Haytham continued with his amazing kisses.

"FATHER, ENOUGH". You both jumped at the sudden outburst and turned to see Connor in a different uniform and a annoyed look on his face. Haytham gave you a wink and adjusted his outfit so it wouldn't look out of place. "That should suffice, follow me" said Haytham as he lead us both to the entrance of the building. "Hold strangers, you tread on private property, what business have you here".

"The father of understanding guides us" said Haytham.

"You I recognize, not those two".

"He is my son and she is my wife". Both you and Connor stared at Haytham with shock and surprise. Did he just refer to you as his wife!? Your face turned red. "Tasted of the forests fruits did you" he laughed. He banged on the door twice, and opened it up for us to enter. "Off you go then". Connor was about to enter, but was stopped by Haytham. "Ladies first" said Haytham. You smiled gracefully and walked right in. Haytham then walked in with Connor following. Haytham took your hand and held it the rest of the way. It was safe to say that you both like each other.

From that day on, Haytham would stop by your home to see you all the time. You could tell he wanted to tell you something on one particular day when you both were out for a ride on your horses. He told you stop by a large oak tree that oversees the landscape of the frontier with the sun setting. It was a very beautiful view.

You were admiring the view, until you felt taps on your shoulder. You turned around and saw Haytham get down on one knee and pull out a ring. You gasped and covered your mouth with your hand trying not to cry.

"(Y/n), I ask, for your hand in marriage. Do you accept" he asked with a smile on his face. You nodded while still trying not to cry. He took your hand and slipped the ring on your finger. He stood up and pulled you in for a kiss. This was the best day of your life. The sunlight shined down on you as you both continued to kiss.

Author's note's:

I apologize that this took so long, things have been flipped upside down recently amd I'm trying to adjust. If you have any requests, please let me know by commenting below or DM me.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Please leave a vote and make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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