(REQUEST) (I'm sorry, I'm so sorry pumpkin) (Desmond Miles X Child! Reader)

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That was the end of it. After about only thirty minutes of play time with your dad, he had to go back into the animus again. It was the most frustrating thing for you, and your only five years old. Why can't he take a day off? Even uncle Shaun and aunt Rebecca won't spend time with you because they're both always quote on quote, "very busy". Even your grandpa, Desmond's dad, was busy, and he wasn't even doing anything other than walking around the area.

The only thing you could do is watch t.v. since that could probably hold you off until your dad would be finished. But then again, he would probably be too tired to spend time with you. It's so frustrating. "(Y/n), are you alright" asked uncle Shaun.

"I'm fine, I'm just bored".

"I bet I can help". Your eyes widened in excitement and you dashed over to him. "I can monitor what Desmond sees when he's in the animus. Would you like to see what he sees"?

"Yes please" you said politely. Shaun turned his body towards you on his wheeled chair and sat you upon his lap. He pulled up a window that showed a man in a strange outfit. "This is Connor Kenway. He's one of the ancestors of Desmond. Born in 1756, he grew up in an isolated native american village with his mother. His father was the grand master of the Templars who was trying to find an ancient precursor sight that he believed housed an ancient artifact that could give the Templars a lot of power".

Shaun continued with the history lesson of one of your dad's ancestors but you were getting tired from the long talk. You slowly drifted off to sleep in Shaun's arm's. "And so, after many months of searching and killing off his allies, Connor was finally able to kill Charles Lee. After he killed him, Connor went back to the homestead to tell Achilles that he succeeded but when he returned. He discovered that-".

He stopped talking and looked down at your sleeping form. He couldn't help but smile at you and carefully get up and carry you to your dads bed. He laid you down and returned to his computer to continue his work. "Looks like she's not the only one who gets tired of your history lectures" remarked Rebecca.

"Oh, and what do you even know about history other than your own history" he remarked. Rebecca ignored him and both went back to work while you continued to sleep.


You slowly opened your eyes and saw that your dad was just getting out of the animus. All the energy came back and you ran over to him. "Hey pumpkin, what's wrong"?

"Your back, can we play now? Please"? You gave him the puppy eyes and he agreed to play with you for the time being. "What game did you want to play"? You thought for about five seconds amd said, "hide and seek".

"Alright, this way". He led you away from all the business the other adults were doing and took to this hollowed out area with large objects that had fallen. "Alrighty, ready"?


"Ok... GO"!

You took off running while Desmond was counting to twenty. The large objects could easily hide you but you were worried since your dad could find you easily. When you asked, he would say he has a gift but wouldn't explain what it is since it was to complicated for a five year olds mind.

"TWENTY! Ready or not, here I come". Your hiding spot was on top of a large piece of debris. How you got up there is beyond anyone. If Desmond did look up, which he most likely won't, he would never see you. "(Y/n)? Come out come out wherever you are". You kept your hands over your mouth to hold back the laughter that was building.

"Desmond, can you come here please" said Shaun.

"I'm busy right now" he said politely. You smiled at this but the smile faded away. "It's important Desmond. Rebecca wants to run some tests on you to make sure that there are no problems with your mental state from being in the animus for a awhile".

Desmond sighed and said out loud for you to hear, "pumpkin, Rebecca needs me, we'll play later". Desmond then walked off and tears of sadness were starting to gush out of your eyes. You curled into a ball and just cried on top of the large debris. Of course, no one heard you. After awhile, you got down from your spot and went over to your dads bed and plopped down to cry to yourself.

Desmond just finished his check up with Rebecca and saw that his dad was comforting you. He went over to you both and saw you were pouring with tears. "What happened"? His dad looked to him and stood up to walk away but not before saying, "why don't you ask your only daughter" in an cold voice.

Desmond looked back at you and you just laid there with dried tears on your cheeks. "Hey pumpkin, what's wrong"? He then reached out to to touch your shoulder to get a reaction from you but you pushed his hand away. "What's wrong" he asked again.

"You hate me". This made Desmond shocked and very confused. "Why would you think that"!

"Every time we play, it lasts for under thirty minutes and your always in that stupid animus. And work is more important than me to you". Desmond was about to objectify to this but he said nothing as he now realized that he was not being the father you wanted and guilt was tearing him apart.

More tears were coming back since Desmond didn't say a word. "Wait here pumpkin". Desmond then stood up and walked away. You weren't surprised. He probably got sick and tired of doing his job of being a parent. You saw him talking to Rebecca and Shaun about something and by the look of it, he seemed desperate. Desperate for what? You didn't care and just laid down again to try and sleep.

Not even two minutes went by and you felt your arm being shaken. You opened your eyes and saw Desmond. "What do you want daddy"?

"I've got great news! Rebecca says that I'm allowed to take the next two days off and I've got something planned for you". You sat up and looked up at him and asked, "what is it"?

"You'll see pumpkin but please understand that I never meant in any way to hurt you. You know that, right"? You slowly nodded your head and he embraced you tightly and you hugged him back. "I'm so sorry pumpkin. I love you, so much".

"I love you too daddy" you said with tears of happiness starting to slowly come from your eyes.

The remaining day was spent with Desmond playing with you. No work, no interruptions and no bullshit excuses. It was all games and fun until the night ended and you fell asleep while watching a movie with Desmond. You were asleep in his arms and he didn't want to wake you up so he gently kissed the top of your head. "I love you pumpkin".

Author's note's:

Ok, here you go NegativeSilver. I don't know how else to thank you guys for more than six thousand reads. It's mind blowing to me that I would achieve this many views. I thought when I first published this, that it would probably get less than at least a hundred. But I was so wrong. Thank you guys so much!

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

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Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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