(REQUEST) (Love of the French) (Arno Dorian X Assassin! Reader)

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When it comes to protecting yourself, you want to know the best information possible. You believe you made the best decision and that was joining the Assassins. It was very difficult to contact them so you had to do something different. You single handedly killed a Templar named Rouille. It was the best kill you could've done and you had to run like hell to escape the guards.

That was three days ago and when you returned to your home, you saw that your balcony door was opened and you saw a note on your bed. It read,

"Dear (y/n),

We know who you are and were interested to hear you wanted to join our creed. My name's Bellec and in times such as these, we are running low on willing people of your skill to join us. Meet me at the Cafe Theater and we can discuss your interest further.


You jumped for joy and quickly left the house. You ran and ran to the place that Bellec said in his letter. You stood by the building and awaited for Bellec to arrive. The people were out and about and they seemed to be happy and it was a nice day as well. You were interrupted from your thoughts by tapping on your shoulder. You quickly turned and saw a man in what was instantly recognized as an Assassin's uniform. "You must be (y/n)"?

"Yes. And you must be Bellec"?

"Yes madame. One of our members saw your kill and quickly came back with determination to make you a member. He even went as far as to offer to mentor you".


"His name is Arno. He and our other brothers and sisters are anxious to meet you. Follow me". Bellc then started heading to the side of the street and went over the side. You quickly followed and looked over to see him waiting for you. You got over and tried to land but you fell on your back.

Bellec laughed but offered his hand to you. "You've got a lot to learn. Come on, let's not keep them waiting". Bellec led you inside a drain tunnel and you both soon came across a door. He held the door open for you and led you inside. There were marble statues of Assassins and a couple of other Assassins who were standing around. They saw you and took a little interest.

Bellec brought you deeper into this sanctuary and you came across one of the Assassins. He looked strikingly handsome and he came towards you to greet himself. "You must be (y/n). My name's Arno Dorian. I'm the Assassin that witnessed you killing Rouille".

"It's nice to meet you Arno". You offered your hand for him to shake but he instead kissed the back of your hand. You blushed deeply and when you pulled back your hand, Bellec and Arno led you deeper into the hideout and you came across a large room with a big podium of three Assassin's looking over and eyeing you down. "The candidate will approach".

Arno and Bellec went up the podium and watched you as you stood in the middle of the area. "So, a woman wants to join our brotherhood. It was Arno who wished for you to join but Bellec thought you wouldn't come. Why do you want to join"?

"My father was once an Assassin and told me all about the history of the creed and the Templar order. Before he died, his parting words were for me to become an Assassin so I can carry on his legacy". They all seemed interested and a bit curious. Arno was already showing signs of enjoying your presence. He knew right then and there that he would have the best time of his life mentoring you. "How much do you know" asked one of the Assassins.

"That the Templar order came first and then the Assassins were created in ancient Egypt by Bayek of Siwa and his wife, Aya. I know everything there is to know about the creed and I wish to keep my promise to my father".

The Assassin's shared looks and then one of them said, "Very well. Out of the dark, you come into the light. From the light, you return to the dark. Are you prepared to travel the eagle's path"? You nodded and then Bellec said, "Then drink". You looked ahead and saw an Assassin's symbol with a single cup. You went to it, picked it up and drinked it. Everything around flashed and you felt drowsy and confused which led to you passing out.

Arno sighed and said, "I don't need to see into the future to know that she'll be an amazing Assassin".

"I'll have to agree with you on that, pisspot. That kill she performed takes immense skill. Her father must've taught her some things already".

"I wonder who her father was. Maybe she was born with those skills"?

"That's ridiculous. Eagle vision is understandable, but the skills she demonstrated are not hereditary. She could easily become one of the best of us" said one of the other Assassin's. Arno understood and wondered what it would be like when he started to mentor you. Considering how well you kill the Templar, he figured it would be easy. Maybe you would teach him something.

After awhile, you finally awoken after completing the eagle's path. "These are the words spoken by our ancestors. The words that lay at the heart of our creed. Stay your blade from the flesh of the innocent".

"Hide in plain sight".

"Never compromise the Brotherhood".

"Let these tenets be branded upon on your mind. Follow them, and be uplifted. Break them at your peril. Rise, Assassin". You stood up and Arno came forward to attach a hidden blade to your wrist. "(Y/n (L/n) is dead. She has been culled from this world, with her sins and failures turned to dust. Tonight she is reborn, a novice of the Assassin Brotherhood". You stood tall and proud and had a smile appear when Arno came by your side.

"Your training starts tomorrow".


You and Arno were practicing sword fighting in a training room in Cafe Theater. The room was large and perfect for training. "Again". You swung your sword to strike at Arno but he dodged and tried to strike you but countered attacked and still tried to get him. Arno was too fast and got you again. You groaned loudly and jumped to your feet to attack again. Arno once again avoided your attacks and take your sword from you.

You sighed in anger and Arno said, "Alright, we'll stop for today". He put the swords away any you left to get some fresh air. Arno knew you were trying so hard and he could sense that there was something you wanted to say. For curiosities sake, he went after you and found you on the balcony. "Is everything ok"?

"Yeah... everything's fine". Arno came beside you and leaned over the railing. "Are you sure"? Without thinking, you pulled him close to you and kissed him, abruptly. Arno didn't know what to think.

'Should I stop her'?

'Should I let her continue'?

'Should I enjoy this'?

'Very well, I'll let her continue'. Arno wrapped his arms around you and you kissed him harder. Something clicked. You both felt it and it was confusing as to what it was but since you both kept kissing each other, you both figured it out.

It's love.

You both released each other from the kiss but still held each other comfortingly. "I love you".

"I love you too".

Author's notes:

Ok, here you go DeadFan1032. I'm sorry for this being late, I have soooo much going on and it's maddening. I would say what it is, but it's too deep and personal. Requests will still have a delay and I apologize for that but until my problems get resolved, things will be produced slowly.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Please leave a vote and make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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