(REQUEST) (Templars can care too) (Shay Cormac X Child! Reader)

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People can be either trustworthy or untrustworthy. Either way, you would have to find that out yourself in your own ways.

Anyways, you didn't know how to find those out since no one taught you how. All you were taught was to eat, sleep and fend for yourself. You've been all over New York and eventually ended up at the harbor. You had a thin blanket wrapped around you as your only source of warmth. It was torture and no one seemed to care. It's official...

You've given up.

You laid down on the stone walkway by the dock and covered yourself up with your blanket. People still walked by and just continued on with their business. Who knows how long it will take until you freeze to death. A couple hours? One day? Who knows?

"What is this"?

You heard a voice coming towards you and before you knew it, your thin blanket was pulled off. You looked up to see a man in thick fabrics with black and traces of red on his out fit. He had his hair tied back in a ponytail, a strange symbol on his attire, he wore mostly black and had a distinctive Irish accent. He tried to offer his hand to you but you got scared and inched back. He had the look of worry and care in his dark eyes. "Easy little one. I will not harm you".

You shook your head as a way to disagree with him. "Liar".

"Why would I be lying"? You pointed to his sword and his gun. He knew what you were referring to and took some steps back. "Shay". The man turned around and you saw another man coming towards you. He wore a triple corner hat that was black and so was most of his clothing. He had a red tie tied around his black hair which was in a ponytail. He seemed to be a very proper man as he kept his back straight and had little to no expression on his face. But that changed when he laid eyes upon you. "Who is this child"?

"I just found her master Kenway. She seems to be a lost child. I tried to speak to her but she's deadly afraid of me". The two men looked at you and started to think about on how they should handle this situation. Haytham started to move towards you but you couldn't back up anymore since you were now up against a wall. Haytham then notices a sizeable wound on your right leg. I could describe what it looked like but it wasn't a pretty sight. "You're injured. What is your name"?


"Well, my name is Haytham and this is Shay. Your wound is something that cannot go unnoticed and unattended to. If you'll let us, we wish to help you". You wanted to say no but he was right. Your leg was already numb, you couldn't stand up and it needed a doctor immeaditly. You had no choice. You squeezed your eyes shut and held out your hand for him to take to help you stand up. You felt his large and warm hand gently grasp your small hand to help you up.

You stumbled a lot and it resulted in him carrying you. The wound looked a lot worse up close. With that in mind, Haytham and Shay quickly went to find a doctor and were lucky to find one just in time. You were extremely lucky to have gotten to the doctor in time and while you were resting, the doctor started to talk with Shay since he was the one who found you in the first place. He explained everything and said that he believed that you didn't have any parents since it was inhumane to leave a child alone with that kind of injury.

The doctor suggested the orphanage but it was a run down building and the caretaker didn't look like she was labeled as a caretaker. She was a drunkard with a place that was unfit for children. It was the worst option for you. Shay started to think deeply and started to talk with Haytham on what would be the best option other than the orphanage. They weren't sure what to do but knew that they didn't have the guts to put you in a worse place than you already were.

But then Shay had an idea. When Haytham heard his idea, he kept questioning why he thought that was a good idea and how dangerous it was. But Shay always had a compelling argument to back his idea up. It was risky but it was the only option that they could see after talking for awhile.


After a whole day of rest, you awaken in a what was presumed to be a very small cabin. You sat up and felt that your leg was bandaged up tightly. You had a hard time getting up and you swung your leg over to try and stand up. You then hear a door open and when you looked over, it was Shay who looked worried as he quickly rushed over to you. "Don't get up. The doctor said to stay in bed until your leg has fully healed" he said as he placed you back in the bed.

"Where are we" you asked shyly.

"My ship. The Morrigan. Me and master Kenway brought you here while you were asleep or else you would've been sent to the orphanage". You tried getting up but Shay laid you back down and said in a warm and soothing voice, "You need to rest more". You were stunned to hear such a caring voice from another person. It was the first time in a very long time that such a peaceful and loving was heard by you. You didn't know what to say since you were so blown away by this. Shay stood up and left a water pale by the bed for you to use if you needed water.

As Shay finished with the water, he was about to leave again but you quickly stopped him. "Shay"? He turned around and awaited to what you had to say. "Don't go". Shay smiled softly and walked back over to you and kneeled down beside the bed. "I know your scared but I promise that it's safe here".

"No. Stay here" you asked shyly and politely. He was a bit taken a back by this request. He thought about it for a moment and stood up. "I'll return in a moment". He then left the cabin and he was gone for a couple minutes. When he came back, he said, "I can stay but for only some time". You smiled as he came over and took a small stool to sit beside you. You took a hold of his hand and held onto it while you tried to fall back to sleep. This made Shay smile.

After about thirty minutes, his arm started to get tired and since you were asleep, he carefully lifted you from the bed and sat down on the bed with you asleep in his lap. He smiled to himself when you curled up in a ball. He made sure you were warm and comfortable as well as making sure your leg was properly elevated. There was something about this that he really enjoyed. It was like you were his child and he enjoyed it already. Haytham was against the idea of having you on the ship but was faced with the hard truth that if they didn't take you in, you would've been sent away to the orphanage and possibly killed.

Haythams good conscience wouldn't allow him to do that and agreed that it would be better to have you here. Shay knew he couldn't leave you behind. It would be one of the biggest regrets he's ever made. He gently hugged you and whispered, "I'll never leave you. I promise". Shay then proceeded to plant a soft kiss on your head. He continued to observe you as you slept and it was baffling that someone as young and fragile like you could sleep with such peace. After everything that's happened, it comes down to this...

It's in the past and we can only move forward. But your not alone anymore.

Never again.

Authors notes:

Ok, here you go CandySwirlFox. Happy birthday to me! 20 years old! Jesus Christ, I'm old as fuck... Well, I feel like I'm old. While I celebrate my birthday, I won't be working. I'll be shoving cake into my fat face. Lol. The request poll will reopen after the one hundredth one shot.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed, bye bye😊

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