(It's not that difficult... right?) (Ezio and Leonardo X Child! Reader)

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This was not requested by anyone. I just got the idea and decided to put it to paper.

This is set during Assassins creed Brother hood.

Right now, it seems that the Borgia have the upper hand since Cesare Borgia's army is larger than the Assassins could have known. Machiavelli wanted to strike immediately but Caterina suggested that it would be unwise and too soon to do such a huge and dangerous task. Ezio suggested some new recruits to fulfill their cause of ending all suffering in Roma. But while recruiting new assassins, it's also important to assist the public.

Ezio was out in the Centro District doing his duties which right now were to monitor the Borgia and to ensure the safety of the public. So far, everything seemed to be going well with just the usual guards patrolling and the citizens doing their own things.

"HELP! HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP"! Ezio darted his head to the direction of the sound and was now charging towards it. Ezio was jumping from rooftop from rooftop to reach the source of the noise. It sounded like a woman in distress. Ezio landed on one rooftop and located the call of a woman on the ground bleeding from the leg with Borgia guards surrounding her.

He jumped off and went to kill off all the soldiers. One after the other, the guards were killed with repeated stabs of his double hidden blades. All were now dead and he ran to her to help her. "What happened here"?

"The Borgia are trying to kill me and my daughter. Quickly, my daughter ran off that way. HURRY"! Ezio wanted to make sure this woman would be alright but he had to hurry and find ger daughter before the guards did.

He ran in said direction for about five hundred and fifty feet and saw a young girl that was no older than six tucked away in the corner crying to herself. "piccola ragazza (little girl), quickly, I'm taking you and your mother somewhere safe. Come out".

You looked at him with watery eyes and were still very scared about this whole thing. You stood there with more tears streaming from your eyes. "Shhhh, it's alright. I won't hurt you". His soothing voice was urging you to come out but fear was debating whether or not it was a good idea because of all the drama that was currently happening.

Slowly but cautiously, you got out of your corner. He got down on one knee to check over you to make sure you were alright. "Did you get injured". You shook your head no but you had time to point to inform him that guards were running towards you both. Ezio darted his head behind him and saw the guards.

Ezio scooped you up and dashed off to run somewhere safe. He held onto you securely and couldn't fight them since he couldn't do that in front of you. You've probably been through a lot with them watching your mother getting beaten unfairly. Although there must be a reason as to why this would happen, but Ezio will get his reason when he returns you back to your mother.

The guard's were gaining momentum but two of them are now on horse back. Ezio had to do something quick, so he grabbed onto a wall to climb up on a building. With only one hand available, he was able to keep climbing to get you to safety. Rocks were being pelted at you both but were missed due to their bad aiming.

Ezio reached the top and put you down on your feet. "Stay here". He went back to the ledge and saw the guards climbing up. He whiped out his sword and started slashing them to get rid of them. You just stood there innocently watching Ezio slashing his sword and screams from the guards.

It wasn't scary... until you felt someone grab you forcefully. You screamed in fear which caught the attention of Ezio. Ezio immediately stopped what he was doing and shot the guard with the small firearm on one of his hidden blades.

The guard fell lifeless beside you and you were trying not to cry in fear but all the commotion was too overwhelming. More guards were climbing up and it was to much too handle with someone as fragile as you. He had to do something quick. He picked you up and held you close to his chest. He then threw a smoke bomb and performed a leap of faith off the building. Ezio held you strongly and landed in a pile of hay.

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