(My Little Fawn) (Connor Kenway X Child! Reader)

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Connor Kenway wasn't particularly a man of gentleman satire or a man who could be easily broken. He was no man who was relaxed and he didn't understand sarcasm correctly. He was more of a man with very strict self morals, determination and was seen as a dangerous man. He wasn't dangerous. People didn't ask much from him and as a result he felt that everything was taken cared of. The only time he was asked to do something was when it was urgent, a mission or if it was just to help.

Connor would also think about if things were different. Of course he never thought about leaving the Brotherhood but he thought about his future. After Achilles died, the manor was left to him and he now owned the land and was now a master Assassin. He would think about his father and sometimes wished he was alive to have answers to questions he never knew he had. One being, "Was he there when I was born"? And another being, "Why didn't he keep in touch with my mother"? And lastly, "Was his reputation more important than his family"?

Connor would sit and think for hours about these thoughts and would only stop when he knew he wouldn't have answers from anyone. He thought it would be a good idea to write in a journal he purchased and in only a short amount of time, the whole journal was completed which prompted him to buy more. On this particular day, Connor thought about the questions more and decided that it would be a good idea to clear his mind. He had no destination in mind and left to head into the frontier. He didn't take a horse and only focused on going somewhere to clear his mind.

A small clearing in the woods was good enough for him. Before he got down to the spot he had in mind, someone was there. He was about to go somewhere else but this person caught his attention since this person was crying in pain. It sounded like a young girl which was now impossible to ignore. He quickly made his way over and saw blood on the ground. The girl hadn't noticed him but he noticed that she was she was very young to be left alone. The blood was coming from her leg and he quickly addressed her. "Are you alright"?

The girl spun her head around in fear and tried to crawl away from him but couldn't because of her pain. "Stop. You'll worsen your injury. What happened"?

"A bobcat bit me"! Connor could see the bite mark and had to act quickly. He tried to come closer but the girl tried to move again. "It's alright. I'm here to help you". She was hesitant to comply with Connors request but her eyes widened when a low growl was heard. Connor whipped around and felt the weight of a bobcat on his back as it started to bite and scratch him. Connor shoved the animal off and shot the animal with his pistol. The girls cries became more distressed and Connor acted fast.

"It's alright. He's dead". Connor saw the bite on her leg. But more specifically... Your leg. Connor then said, "There's a doctor at my homestead. He can help you but we have to go now". Connor gently took you by the arm and took you into his arms. He took off running as fast as possible and had you talk to him to keep you awake. He learned as much as he needed to keep you awake and learn why you were alone. Your name is (Y/n), your only five years of age and both of your parents committed suicide.

Connor was lucky to have found you sooner and even more lucky that he didn't stray far from the road to the homestead. He went straight to Dr. White with high hopes that he could help you. Dr. White was an amazing doctor and informed Connor that if he hadn't arrived sooner, you would've lost too much blood and would've been a bobcats dinner. Dr. White couldn't keep you in the medical tent any longer so Connor carefully took you to the homestead.

He wasn't sure what to do but carefully laid you down in a bed. He sat across the room, watching you intently with many questions running through his mind. Many were questions that you may not have the answer to and some were if you had any family members remaining. Connor felt a bit overwhelmed with the questions but he had to try and ignore them for the time being since there was a more pressing matter at hand. He now has a responsibility but an idea came to mind which was rejected immediately.

An orphanage.

Absolutely not. Connor had seen the orphanage in Boston and it wasn't a pretty sight. The children were miserable, the mistress was always drunk and the property looked like it was made out of twigs. Connor felt bad about the current state of the property and informed the public by having people speak out against it. Many have came to help but the results were not that satisfying. While he thought more about it, he saw your eyes flutter open and he stood up and went to you. You saw the same man and got scared with a few tears forming in your eyes. Connor sat on the bed and spoke softly to you. "It's alright, (y/n). Your safe".

You clutched the comforter on the bed and the tears fell from your eyes. You tried to move your leg again but it was bandaged up tightly and Connor said, "Try not to move your leg. Your lucky that you didn't lose a lot of blood. Your leg will heal over time and you can stay here if you want". It was now even more obvious that he wasn't a bad man to you and you slowly let go of the comforter. "Wait here. I'll be back". Connor then left you as he went to get you some soup that was cooking in the boiler.

He made it back and saw that you seemed more relaxed as he approached you with the bowl in hand. He gently handed you the bowl and since you were starving, you ate the soup quickly and Connor wasn't surprised. You were thin and underweight anyways. He just smiled knowing that he did a good thing by saving you and feeding you. When you finished the bowl he took it back and came back to ask the questions he had. Any other family members?

Answer: "No".

Why did your parents kill themselves?

Answer: "I don't know".

Where were you were living before?

Answer: "By the road in Boston".

Connor could feel the sadness you had and had an overwhelming desire to comfort you. He wasn't sure what to do so he did what felt more natural, which was to scoot closer to you and he couldn't pick you up because of your leg. He instead held you close to him and he was correct about this comforting you because it was working. The comfort he gave you was enough for you to let all your sadness out as you sobbed into him. He gently rubbed your back to give more comfort since it seemed that you needed more if it.

After what felt like hours, night time had come and Connor had made sure you fell asleep. He left since he had no reason to stay in the room. But he was wrong. An hour passed and he heard your scream and crying in your room. He dashed out of bed and ran straight to the room. He saw you crying your heart out and clutching the comforter. "(Y/n)!? Are you alright? What's wrong"? You looked at Connor as he approached you and he sat on the bed. "Nightmare". Connor understood and wiped some of your tears away. "Your alright. I promise".

Your crying reduced down to sniffles but you then looked at Connor as if you wanted something. "Are you ok"?

"Yes. But my mom... And dad... When I had nightmares... They let-". You sighed to yourself and just threw the comforter over your head to cry again. Connor knew what you were hinting at and you then felt weight being added to the bed. You poked your head out and saw Connor in the bed with you. You had a soft smile and carefully inched towards him to get more comfortable. "Thank you, Connor".

"Your welcome. Good night (Y/n)".

"Goodnight". Connor had an arm wrapped around you and fell asleep easily and peacefully. Connor had an idea of how you being here would go. He figured you would live here since you had no other family and that he would nurse you back to health. This responsibility that Connor obtained is something he was looking forward to tackle. He didn't care if people saw it as strange, it was his decision and he fully accepted it.

Author's notes:

Ok, here's a new one shot. If your not aware, the request poll has been reopened and as of this moment, I have no requests. Just keep the new rule in mind. *No lemons or smut allowed*. Other than that, I'll write anything. So... Requests???

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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