(REQUEST) (Child Liberation) (Jacob Frye X Child! Reader)

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Child labor in London was one of the worst things to happen here. The people who run the factories could give two shits about the children, all they cared about was the money and, pretty much, making sure the children get paid as little as possible. It's gut wrenching, and there's not much that can be done by law enforcement.


If the person who was maintaining the property of the factory and the one who runs the whole factory was killed, then everyone would be fired, or in the children's words, 'free'. However, getting inside even one of the factories was challenging since the people who run them, the blighters, heard about two new people in London who could easily over run them, they had to take precautions and grow their gang larger.

The two new people were assassins. Jacob Frye and his twin sister Evie Frye.

You were only five years of age but the blighters didn't give a shit about that. You were working for about two months and it was a constant nightmare. Your mother and father are dead and the blighters make fun of you for that. They were cruel like that to the more younger workers. And you were the youngest.

The other kids didn't really talk to you, but then again, the other kids don't really talk to anyone else unless they're spoken to directly by the adults. You hoped that there would be something that could save you from this terrible place.

You did hear about the Frye twins and their amazing work all across London but the odds of you finding something to support you due to your age was very slim. If the Assassins could do all these things then why haven't they stopped the factory you worked at and stopped your nightmare?

If you could at least meet them, maybe they would help you then. Well, that is if you ever see them.

"GET BACK TO WORK"! You jolted and ran back to your station. You had your own station which was good but also bad since you had three people watching you. If you mess up even once, they slap you. For some reason, the blighters are being more cruel than usual.

"HEY, STOP SLACKING"! The blighter near you then slapped you right across the face and you fell to the floor. You were sobbing helplessly and didn't bother to move a single inch. "YOU BETTER GET UP AND GET BACK TO-".

You waited for the kick to hit you but all you heard was three loud bangs and heavy thuds to the floor. There was then screaming and you then looked up and around you to see the kids from the other station near you starting to run. You got up to try to run but there was a big explosion that sent you flying across the area and hitting the wall hard.

The explosion was now creating a massive fire. You tried to get up but your ankle was hurting so badly that it hurt to move your leg. You were sobbing as smoke was surrounding you and you had to prepare yourself for this since this is how you were going to die. You coughed and coughed and sobbed as you were going to be left alone to die.

"Don't worry, I'll get you out of here" you heard a voice say, and then you felt two strong arms pick you up and held you tightly. You cringed in pain due to your ankle and you couldn't see who the person who was carrying you. This person started to run in a direction and you buried your face in this persons chest to stop the smoke from getting in your lungs.

After some time you took a small peek and noticed you were outside and started coughing up all the smoke that were in your lungs. The stranger kept running and you tried to look at this person but your vision was blurry. The figure kept running and you couldn't help but feel the desire to sleep.

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