(SERIES) (3) (Give us an explanation) (Glitch Transformation)

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"She came here by chance". All of them quickly turned around to see a remarkable sight. A woman in all white clothing who was glowing with light. "It's an opportunity, for her... And all of you".

"Who are you" Edward asked in shock.

"I am called Venus. I am the one who brought (Y/n) here". The Assassins looked at each other with nervousness as they could already tell who (Y/n) was. "Who's (Y/n)" Arno asked nervously. Venus then walked over to your sleeping form and carefully picked you up. They all tensed up and were about to pull out their weapons but Venus calmed them when she started to explain. "Her journey is a long one, but she has you all for support. Whether you believe me or not, (Y/n) is an Assassin. Although she's high in potential, she lacks patience and was not given proper training". Venus looked over at the men and said, "I chose all of you".

"For what? Is this some type of punishment for us" asked Jacob.

"Do not look at this opportunity as a punishment but rather as the chance to train the Assassins of the future".

"With all do respect... Venus" said Edward, "This situation makes no sense at all. How is she an Assassin when she can't even walk"? Venus smiled and said, "You all have patience and the capabilities to perform this important task. (Y/n) was an adult before she came here, but to answer your question more clearly, she would have to learn all over again from the very beginning. Her parents neglected her and were abusive. She would learn to be reckless and very aggressive because of her parents and depression. Some of her depression still lingers at the current age she is now. She is only two months old. Very fragile and delicate. I know you all, you have expierence with this type of work"-

"What your asking us to do is ridiculous! You expect us to raise her to become an Assassin!? Why us? Why now" Connor demanded. He and most of the others were infuriated. They felt that this was uncalled for. "Because... She needs all of you".

"That doesn't answer my question" Connor said with anger and hate. Venus understood why they were getting mad and took a more subtle and reasonable approach. "The Assassins of the current era are losing this war as Templars are close to achieving their victory. If you all were still alive at the time, you could easily end them but due to the lack of knowledge you all have of the 21st century, I had to find whatever candidates were left. (Y/n) was the only one who could do said task but, as I mentioned earlier, she lacks the proper skills. I know how powerful you all are. With all your skills and knowledge, if it gets passed down to (Y/n), she will be the most powerful Assassin that ever lived. She will be the one to end this war".

The Assassins didn't know what to say but it was Altaïr who broke the silence. "Why at this age"?

"If you gave her training at the age she already was, it would take so much longer. She lacks discipline and needs to start over. While she grows older, it's possible she will forget her knowledge as she learns from all of you. But, I believe you could use some more help". At that moment, Venus did something that both shocked and upset the Assassins. She brought two people that the Assassins will not hesitate in killing.

Two Templars. Haytham Kenway and Shay Cormac.

Connor shook in anger at the sight of both of the men. He immediately placed his hand on his tomahawk ready to attack if they did anything bad. The two men were on the floor, unconscious, and the Assassins were instantly mad when the saw the Templar cross on their attires. "I know you would not hesitate in killing them, but there are certain fighting styles that the Templars use. I believe it will serve (Y/n) when she is ready. As for space, this should suffice". Venus then made the area around them flash in white and they appeared to sent to at first glance was a living room with some baby toys and other living room features. "This will also help you".

The men were silently freaking out and the more this situation was explained, the more they denied it and didn't believe it. How were they supposed to respond to this? "I will provide you one more gift"-

"No! We don't want anything else" Altaïr yelled. His yelling almost awoke you but luckily it didn't. Venus smiled and still remained calm, somehow, and said, "This is my last gift. After this, your on your own. I will offer my assistance if you need it but your all on your on afterwards". Venus then walked out of the room and up the stairs, looking back and seeing the men following her in hesitation and on edge. Venus approached a door and opened it up to reveal an infants room and another unconscious man. His clothing was much like the Assassins but to them was foreign but in actuality, it was modern.

Venus walked over to the crib and carefully laid you down inside. She turned to the men and said, "You have your instructions. Good luck". Venus then faded away leaving the men in shock, confusion and anger. Just then, you awoke to feeling cold and hungry and instantly started to cry. You were so infuriated with not being able to talk that you felt like you were going to blow up. The Assassins heard your cries and ran to the crib and see you squirming and making grabbing gestures. All of them reached down into the crib but stopped when their hands retracted back since they were a bit surprised by that action.

"Allow me" Altaïr said in a questioning tone. They retracted their hands and Altaïr went in and picked you up to see what was wrong. He could see that you were grabbing your stomach and knew you were hungry. He quickly left the room and headed back downstairs with the Assassins quickly following. They left the unconscious man in the nursery since he was still knocked out. Altaïr quickly told one of the men to prepare the milk for you while he soothed your cries. "Shhh, don't cry (Y/n)". You stopped crying and looked at him dead in the eyes of shock. Altaïr smiled and so did some of the others. Altaïr wiped a tear from your cheek and said, "Yes. We know who you are. Everythings going to be alright-"

"I'm not so sure about that".

They all looked over and saw that the two Templars were now awake. Both had their blades out ready to attack. The Assassins were about to attack but Jacob, who was preparing the milk for you, took the milk and threw the liquid into the Templars face. They screamed in pain and were tackled to the ground. It was scaring you and you started to whimper which caused Altaïr to shush you and rock you back and forth. "Templar scum" Edward said in anger.

"Where are we" Shay said in pain. Both Templars couldn't even open their eyes and couldn't move. "As much as we want to kill you..." Altaïr got down to their levels with you in one arm and said in a cold voice, "We can't and won't. We have so much to discuss. You will listen and not question unless we let you. Do you understand me"? Haytham couldn't open his eyes but said, "Depends on what it is".

"Regardless... You will listen"...

To be continued...

Author's notes:

Ok, here's a part three of glitch transformation. I know that some people were eagerly awaiting for this next part... So here you go. As for other requests, don't worry, they're being worked on. Until those get finished, enjoy this.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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