(REQUEST) (Patients loving their nurses) (Malik Al Sayef X Nurse! Reader)

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"Why do we need one"?

"Because we need one in time's like this, Altaïr. Why are you so against this" asked Malik.

"We have doctors, why would we need another to have here"? Malik was already tired of arguing with Altaïr about the decision that was made. Altaïr thought it was a bad idea considering that it would take up space and that it was a woman. There has never been a female doctor before. The idea was ridiculous to Altaïr.

"Accept it, novice. She's coming here, so accept it". Altaïr groaned loudly and left to scan the city for any problems he could solve. Malik was left alone in the tower and decided to pass the time by reading until you arrived, which should be soon. Malik was excited when he heard that a female nurse would assist the Assassins. Not because of medicine, but of gender. He's never seen a female nurse or doctor before.

He wondered what you looked like. Beautiful? Happy? Spontaneous? Who knows? Either way, Malik was very excited to meet a female nurse for the first time. He was assuming that your skills would be better than other doctors since it was Al Mualim who thought this would be a good idea to have a nurse in the tower.

After what seemed like a millennia, you finally arrived at your new home and workplace. It was much bigger than you expected. It was taller than anything you've seen before. The people seemed friendly and the building looked secure. A man approached the gate and offered his hand to you. "Hello, my name is Malik. You must be (y/n). I must say that I'm very pleased to have you here".

"Thank you Malik for your kindness. How long have you been here for"?

"Ever since I was born. I'm a mentor for a master Assassin and I train my brother to be an Assassin".

"That's incredible, I'm really looking forward to start here". Malik smiled at you and led you up to the tower. The people were out and about and once you went inside, the Assassins gave you their greetings, but not Altaïr. He just walked off when he saw you. You didn't think much about it other than just getting ready to settle in for this great opportunity.

You had a small area that was meant as the 'doctor room'. You were in it everyday helping out anyone that required your medical assistance. Most of the time it was stab wounds or a slight fever but that was it. But the best part is is that Malik would visit you everyday to see if you needed anything. It was weird at first but that feeling melted away because you started to develop feelings for him. You had to admit that he was charming and very respectful of you and of your position.

That would be put to the test.

Malik was gome for awhile and didn't tell you he was leaving so it was confusing but you had to continue to work. The day was slow with, so far, no patients and it was a bit odd since you had a couple patients everyday. And they were mostly the Assassins with stab wounds and slashes. So it was different.

After some more time passed, shouting was heard and you went to see for yourself. You went up the stairs to see Malik holding his arm. It was super bloody and swollen. As soon as Altaïr heard you your footsteps, he turned towards you and said, "Quickly, help Malik"!

Malik looked at you and then back at Altaïr and said, "Were not done talking". He then walked towards you and you quickly escorted him to your room. He was in a huge amount of pain but tried to hide it. You made him sit down and started to look at his arm. He winced in pain when you touched the wound. "Tell me what happened".

"Me and Kadar were attacked".

"Wheres Kadar"? Malik was silent for a moment and was hesitant to speak but he whispered instead. "He's dead". You instantly fell deep dread for Malik and held him by the face and said, "Look at me". He looked at you with tears forming in his eyes. With your forehead pressed to his, he let the sadness overtake him and hugged you tightly with his uninjured arm.

"I'm here for you Malik. I'm always here".


After a gruesome procedure of removing Maliks arm, because the injury was too severe, he had a little bit of hard time adapting to the huge change. Malik was upset but amazed by how you were able to do it cleanly. "Where did you learn"?

"My father's a doctor and wanted to teach me at a young age in case anything happened while he was away". Malik was astonished once again and had more questions to ask. "Are there other female doctors"?

"Not that I've seen".

"How young were you when he started to teach you"?

"About five or six years old".

"That's amazing! Is it difficult to be a nurse"?

"It has it's benefits but people tend to criticize me just because I'm a female". Malik made you turn to face him. "I would never, in thousand years, criticize you or your profession. I think it's incredible to see a woman doctor".

"Thank you, Malik. But, why do you think it's amazing? I'm no different from other doctors or nurses other than my gender".

"That's the point. Your inspiration. Other women will hear about you and walk in your footsteps and be a turning point for women everywhere". A big and bright smile stretched across your face and without thinking, you took Malik by the face and kissed him passionately. He tensed for a second but enjoyed your soft lips on his.

"I love you".

"I love you too, (y/n)".

Author's notes:

Ok, here you go RavenRainyBlack. My first Malik X Reader. I had to go back and replay some missions from the first game to refresh my mind since it's been a long time. It did take me awhile to get used to the controls but after awhile, I finished them and had my mind refreshed.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

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Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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