(REQUEST) (My way of stress relief) (Jacob Frye X Male! Rook! Reader)

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Rage. This was the only way to describe how mad you were. Why are you mad? Well here's what happened...

You were on your way to the park to meet up with some of rooks because apparently they were going to liberate a gang war. So the leaders of the Rooks were probably going to need all the help they needed.

You arrived and saw them all waiting for you. Before you could even get over to them, some child ran into you but he managed to steal your coin purse. You gasped and try to catch him but he slipped under the fence and got away.

And that's how you got mad.

You were enraged and ran to the Rooks but you tried to hide your anger until the gang war so you could let it all out. When they saw you, they started heading to the location of the fight and you saw them, the leaders of the Rooks.

Jacob Frye and his twin sister Evie Frye.

They were bosses and were becoming leader's of London pretty much. "THIS TERF, BELONGS TO US" yelled Jacob as he held a little cloth with the symbol of the Rook's. He quickly threw it on the ground.

You all began to attack and you had three coming towards you but you were way to quick. You slashed two of them in the throat and shot the other one with a hand gun. Other blighter's saw your fast movement's and sent three more people after you.

You shot one in the eye, jumped up and stabbed one in the back and landed on your legs when you shot the other in the face. Once again more blighter's were sent towards you. It still wasn't enough to stop you.

Left and right, up and down, you killed them all. You were the only rook left and it was now a final brawl with the gang leader. Jacob thought the gang leader would come after him and Evie, but no. No no.

The gang leader made a mad dash towards you and since the attention span of the Frye twins was now on you, you decided to show off. This gang leader had pulled out a large knife and was close to stabbing you but you did something awesome.

You pushed his arm towards him, did a flip over him while confiscating his weapon and once he was looking at you again, you stabbed him in the gut, picked him up and threw him against the wall where he finally died.

You turned towards the Frye twins and they had the look of shock. "I'm beyond impressed rook. You terrified me a little bit" said Jacob. "Thank you Mr. Frye" you said in a still angry mood. "Are you alright" asked Evie. "Yes, *deep breath of relief*, I'm fine".

"You were astonishing. If we ever come across you again, we will call upon your services" said Evie. Your anger was still in tact but you still had to brush it off.


It has been two days since the gang war and you could definitely tell that London was becoming more and more safer. It was just you and you only as you were standing near a street corner awaiting for something to happen so you could do some more stress relief.

"Rook". You dart your head in the direction of the voice that was directed at you. "To me". It was Jacob Frye. You nodded and ran towards him. As you got closer, he recognised you instantly.

"Ahh, look who it is. I hope your ready to fight". "Trust me when I say this, I was born ready". That actually made Jacob a little scared since he could practically feel your anger and he also remembered when you killed all those blighter's.

Jacob ran with you following and ended up at a small area filled with blighter's. Your anger was starting to rise and rise. You were like a mad dog about to be taken off the leash. You wanted to kill them now. "I'll go in and get the target, you can take care of the rest" said Jacob as he urged you to go kill them. He left as you went in to kill them. You perfomed a sneak attack in the pile of hay, then when you were spotted, seven blighter's came rushing towards you.

You grabbed two throwable knives, jumped up in the air and threw them with one each going straight into the throats of two blighter's. You landed and broke ones arm and shot him. The other was stabbed in the eye with another coming up from behind you to stab you but you were way to quick. You finished off the blighter with the knife in his eye and threw him into the one behind you.

More were coming and it only made you explode of anger. You took out your last smoke bomb and killed the rest faster than the speed of light.

When the smoke was cleared, you stood there with your arms crossed while a shit load of blighter's were lying dead around you. "I thought this was susposed to be a challenge". Jacob had a strong grip on the target but he and the target were staring at you in absolute shock.

At this point, Jacob was getting really scared of you. "Uhh, right. Well, can you meet at the hideout. We need to talk" said Jacob. "Sure, I'll see you there". You ran off leaving Jacob to take the bounty to the police.


You got to the train just in time before it started to leave the station. You get to the third train car and see the Frye twins plus the other assassin known as Henry Green. They noticed you and Jacob backed up a little bit.

"Your here. We have some important matters to discuss Mr.-" said Evie. "(F/m/n) (l/n), at your service". "Well (f/m/n), we wanted you to take it into consideration to... uhh, get a promotion" said Jacob.

"What kind of promotion" you asked while tapping your chin. Jacob was still a little bit scared of you for what ever reason. "A promotion from the Rook's to the Assassins" said Henry.

You froze. "Are you serious". "Absolutely. Your fighting style is what were looking for as another Assassin. Well, that is, if your interested" said Evie.

Well, this was certainly unexpected. Although it would be nice to get better training and learn from the best. "Well, do you accept" asked Jacob as he stood back. "Will I be trained" you asked. "Of course" said Evie.

"Alright. I accept". Jacob sighed in defeat and had to now accept you as a part of the Assassins. "We'll start your training tomorrow at dawn" said Henry.


It has been 7 months since the Assassins offered to train you and you had come to learn on why Jacob was so afraid of you. He said that it was because of when he first saw you fight that he never saw another person fight like that before. You were kind enough to train him some of your moves and he was now getting more and more comfortable being around you.

Currently, you and Jacob were racing across rooftops to see who was faster. "You may be stronger than me, but I'm faster" said Jacob as he was catching up to you. "HA, that is where you are wrong Sir Jacob". You both kept jumping and running until you both had to stop at a ledge.

"I won that race" said Jacob.

"Wrong again Jacob. Wrong again".

Author's note's:

Ok, here you go livieisdead. This was a little bit more challenging since it's an X Male reader but like I said before, I will get the job done.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

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Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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