(SERIES) (2) (Historical Fiction) (Frye twins X Modern! Teen! Reader)

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The three Assassins turned to look at you.

"Don't look at me! I didn't do this"!

"You did do something! Where are we"?

"Uhh... My room". The three Assassins looked around but the lighting was dim. "Hold on, I'll turn on the light" you said as you went to light switch by your door. You flipped it on and all three Assassins froze again. "What... Is all this"?

"Evie, look". Both Evie and Henry saw Jacobs pointed gesture and saw the poster you have on the wall of the Assassins. "Those are the Assassins". Evie faced you and asked, "Is this more proof"?

"Yes. I have more, hold on". You went to your gaming dresser where all your games were stored. You grabbed all your Assassins Creed games and tossed them on your bed. "See"? Jacob grabbed two of them while Evie and Henry examined the same one. "Which one's ours" Jacob asked.

"This one" you said as you picked up Assassins Creed Syndicate. Jacob snatched it from you and began reading the back of it. You sighed and just hopped back into your bed and checked your phone.


"Shit! I need to go bed, now"! You startled the three Assassins as you pulled the covers over your head. Jacob snatched the covers off your head and said, "Why"?

"I have school today and I have to be ready at 6:50".

"Ok... But what about us"? You sighed and before you could respond you heard your mothers voice call out, "(Y/n)? Are you still awake"? The Assassins sent out their blades but you quickly shushed them and told them to be quiet as you left the room. "Hey mom".

"Why are you still awake? It's 2:30 in the morning. Is something wrong"?

"No. But uhh... Can I ask you something"?

"Sure. What's up"?

"I have... three friends. I was wondering if they... could come over to spend the night"?

"At this hour? Absolutely not-"

"Mom, please. They uhh... They go to school with me"!

"They do? But why now"?

"Their houses are under renovation and they can't afford a hotel. Please mom? If you let me, then tell me what to do to make it up to you". Your mom crossed her arms over her chest and said, "Honey, I'm not sure this is a good-"

"Mom, please. They're my friends. Please"?

Your mom exhaled loudly and said, "Fine. But I'm not cooking for them". You quickly bomb rushed her in a tight embrace and she said, "But remember, I'm not looking after them".

"Got it. Thank you. I'll call them". You ran back to your room and awaited until your moms door closed. "Ok, it's safe now".

"Who was that" Evie asked.

"My mom. Ok, you three you can stay but if you have to come with me to school today". The three Assassins shared looks and Evie said, "I agree that Jacob should go with you since he lacks common sense".


"Both of you, stop" Henry said.

"The good news is that you can stay but the bad news is that you have to go to school with me. I'm sure I can find some more modern clothes than these but-"

"Is there a reason as to why we can't just stay here" Evie asked.

"My mom will know your here and it's also not a good idea. Besides, you'll be given the chance to get caught up with everything that has happened" you said as you walked out your bedroom door to show them the two guest rooms. "Only two" you thought to yourself, "Maybe Evie could crash in my room. I still have that inflatable mattress in my closet. I hope she doesn't mind".

"Here. Jacob, you can have that room, Henry that's your room and Evie, you can crash in my room. I have a spare mattresse you can sleep on, if that's ok".

"That'll be fine. I appreciate it".

All of you bid your goodnights and you went to your mom's room to retrieve some clothes. Your mom was about the same size as Evie and your dad was kinda the same for Jacob and Henry. What happened to your dad you might be asking?

He's just not home. It's just a business trip.

You retrieved the clothes and handed them to the Assassins, luckily they hadn't fallen asleep yet. Evie wanted to try the clothes on to be sure they could fit her but you assured her that it would be fine. You didn't need to worry about them not fitting in since the clothes you picked were casual and comfortable. They only thing you were worried about were the other students. They might get very curious since the Assassins Creed franchise is very popular. You're just going to have to do everything you can to make them as normal as possible for the time being.

With everything planned out, you wished Evie a good night's rest and drifted off to sleep... Finally. You were having a hard time falling asleep since you were trying to wrap your head around this and you were also nervous about having them go out in public on school property. Your teachers are pretty laid back so hopefully it won't be too much of an inconvenience.


Author's notes:

Ok, here you go rachnabhagat. Think about this for a second. If the Assassins and Templars went to school in the modern era, wouldn't it be obvious that they would all dominate the history class and gym but fail everything else. Maybe they would be good English but not science. Definitely not math! I can see Jacob looking at a simple math problem and then yelling and then throwing the book at the teacher.

That's our London dork for ya!

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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