(SERIES) (4) (The decision) (All male Assassins X Child! Reader)

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This series has it's own book now. You will find it on my page under stories.

By the way, I made that gif with a gif software that my phone has...

We're all faced with difficult decisions but this decision is the hardest one to choose. Take in a child with a piece of eden as her heart and never go back to their homes or give her away to go to heaven where she'll die 'again'? They didn't want to abandon you let alone let you die again. They have grown attached to you and couldn't bring themselves to even consider letting you die, again.

But they had to think about what Minerva said, which was to send her back to her parents, who are dead or the Assassins can keep her protected. They've all been faced with grave challenges but never something of this magnitude. They also didn't know what to do with the Templars. They were very surprised when they saved your life. They betrayed their own order just to protect you.

It was... confusing.

Right now, they were still discussing the options but had to be quiet so they wouldn't awake you. "Why us? Why would she choose us in the first place" asked Edward as he lounged on the wall. The others had the same question, except for Haytham, Shay, Alexios and Aguilar. The four were brought here by the enemy and didn't know what to believe anymore. Haytham and Shay kept their guard up since they were the enemies in the eyes of everyone else but the heroism they displayed for saving you and the others was confusing and a bit relieving.

Alexios didn't know why he was here. He wasn't alive around the time when the brotherhood was created but he came from a bloodline of heros. Is that good enough? No? Then he's considered the inspiration for the brotherhoods creation. Alexios was generally a helpful person but a very deadly mercenary. And Aguilar, well, he was still dragged into this but he still has a place here so it all works out.

You were snuggled up to Altaïr and he kept a hand placed on you so you wouldn't fall off because you tossed and turned in your sleep. "Was it ever explained on how her heart became a piece of eden" asked Haytham.

"Wouldn't you like to know" sassed Arno.

"Its just a question. Thats what I would like to know".

"No, the Templars were close to taking over the world and would've killed (y/n) because her heart is the most powerful piece of Eden. And now we have to decide her fate" said Desmond. Haytham and Shay felt bad for you and felt embarrassed that this is what their order has come too. The murder of innocent children!? Whether or not it was a piece of eden, it's still horrible. "Let me ask you something... Why did you betray your order just to save (y/n)" asked Ezio.

"I would never harm a child or anyone else for that matter".

"But you would still try and kill me and other assassins" yelled Connor. You woke up and saw that Connor was getting aggressive towards Haytham. Ezio and Edward got between them to stop them so they wouldn't hurt each other. You sat up and clutched your blanket tightly for protection. This was too upsetting for you to witness. You hopped off the couch and went to hide in the corner, away from them. Altaïr got up and followed you and could see the fear on your face. He's seen that look before. It was the look of sadness and fear. He saw it on Kadars face once.

He walked over to you and got down to your level and could see the sadness and fear on your face. Altaïr quickly took action and held you in his arms to escort you away from the drama. He brought you up to the room he shared with Jacob. Altaïr knew that this was too much too handle, even for you. He could feel you shake in his arms and start to comfort you by gently rocking you. You snuggled up to him and could feel the tears start to build up. Jacob entered the room and saw Altaïr trying to comfort you. "Is she alright"?

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