(SERIES) (3) (Historical Fiction) (Frye Twins X Teen! Reader)

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Ok, this is now a series but remember that the request poll is opened. As much as I am happy to write your requests, it would be nice to have more variety and not only the same thing. Just remember, no lemons or smut.

*beep beep beep*

You groaned as that was your alarm going off. You took your phone and shut off the alarm and were about to lay back down but someone sprung up from the floor. "What was that"!? You almost screamed but quickly realized that it was just Evie. Evie quickly sent out her blade and you tried to quickly explain to her that it was just your alarm. "What alarm"?

"My phone. Remember what I... *yawns*... what I said earlier? I have school today and you and the others have to come with me". Evie was as equally tired as you and quickly remembered. You unwilling dragged yourself out of bed and made your way to the bathroom to brush your teeth and fix your hair. Evie also followed since she wasn't sure what to do but you politely asked her to awake the others. She agreed and did as she was told all the while you started to brush your teeth.

You knew your mom was already gone for work so you didn't have to worry. Although, it made you think if she looked into the spare rooms to see just who these friends were of yours. In all honesty, could you blame her? Curiosity killed the cat. Jacob then appeared in the door and had the look of curiosity and already started to bother you with questions. "What are you doing"?

"Brushing my teeth" you said while still brushing amd some toothpaste fell from your mouth into the sink. Jacob looked a bit disgusted but kept asking questions. "Why"?

"Because, I don't want to lose my teeth and I want to keep my mouth clean".

"It cleans your mouth? How"?

"Its soap and paste for my gums and teeth" you then spit out the remaining toothpaste and turned to Jacob, "so that way I can have fresh and beautiful teeth. See"? You smiled like a dork and Jacob liked what he saw. He smiled and got a small glimpse of his teeth. Yellow like piss and he probably had horrible breath that wreaked of alcohol as well. "Maybe, you should see a dentist".


"Because your teeth remind me of the first time I saw a horror movie. Terrified and disgusted". Jacob looked offended and was about to grab your toothbrush to do what you were doing but you quickly stopped him and explained why that's bad. He rolled his eyes and went off to get dressed in the clothes you gave them earlier. Evie was already getting dressed and since you were still busy in the bathroom, Evie decided to look around your room. Lots of things she's never seen before but could tell they were items of decoration.

"(Y/n)"? You turned and saw Jacob once again but he looked very confused. "What"?

"Where's the chamber pot"?

You didn't know what that was and you asked him what he was talking about but what he said made you almost laugh. You escorted him to the bathroom and gave a quick rundown before going back to your room to regain composure. You were so close to laughing hysterically that your face turned red. Luckily your hair was finished. Nothing special, just a bun with two small strands of hair dangling on both sides of your face. "Ok, Evie? Please go see if Henry is ready".

"Of course". Evie left the room and you quickly got dressed. Once again, it was nothing special but simple clothes. It's only school and you could give two fucks about what people thought about you. But now that your having three fictional characters from your video game come to school with you. You were worried about them attracting too much attention but maybe they won't notice. "Ok, I'm ready. Are you three ready"? The three Assassins appeared in their "new" clothes but were still not quite ready. "You guys have to leave your weapons here". Evie sighed and took all her weapons off with Henry following her lead.

Jacob, on the other hand, was not having it.

"I'm leaving my hidden blade on" he said defiantly.

"You can't".

"Why not"!?

"You'll get in trouble and get arrested. I'm not going to be able to help you if you get caught and then what am I supposed to do"? Jacob was very hesitant to leave his weapons behind but you then told him that he also had to leave his top hat as well. Now he was considering staying home and not go anywhere. "If you bring it they will confiscate it".

"They can't do that. It's mine"!

"Jacob please" you checked your phone and saw that it was almost 7:10, "We have to leave in ten minutes. Please just leave your weapons and top hat. I don't want to be late". Jacob was about to talk but Evie sent him that look that said to shut up. He sighed and took off his weapons and tossed his hat on your bed. "Thank you. Come on, my friend will be here in a little bit".

"What friend"?

"My friend, Annabelle. She drives and will be able to get us all there". They had no idea what you were talking about and just followed you down the stairs to wait in the driveway for Annabelle. But when you closed your door and turned off the light, your game console sparked. It wasn't witnessed by you or the three Assassins but it did happen and it only meant one thing...

More bad things are fastly approaching.

Author's notes:

Ok, this is now a series but as I've said at the beginning of this, the request poll is opened. As much as I am happy to write your requests, it would be nice to have more variety and not only the same thing. Just remember, no lemons or smut. I would like to take on new requests and not it just be the same thing every time if that's ok.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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