(REQUEST) (Cold but treatable) (Bayek of Siwa X Cold hearted! Reader)

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Egypt was a rough place to live at the time now that the Medjays are gone. Medjays were basically mercenaries that assisted the people with whatever they needed. But no one's seen a medjay in awhile and rumor has it that the last medjay was still around but he was very hard to find.

His name was Bayek of Siwa.

You've only seen him once and you could tell that he let his emotions take over instead of getting the job done. Like the death of his son, Khemu. He was only a child at the time and it changed Bayek when it happened. You lost your parents. It didn't change you. Not even a little bit. And you were only thirteen at the time.

You lived in the green mountains and had a small home but it was big enough for you alone. The view of the area was nice but not something to gloat about. The sun was bright and the cloud ls were puffy with a new day commencing. "Another day of nothing surprising". You went out the entrance of your home to head outside to find that the weather was average and nothing special.

The only thing that caught your attention was a fight breaking out about a hundred feet from your home. They were probably drunken imbeciles fighting over wine. You rolled your eyes and went down the path to the market. Nothing else was worth pointing out other than your walk to the market. Plain and simple. There should be no problems.

While walking, something hit you in the head. You got triggered and darted around to find whoever threw the object at you. "I'm sorry". You turned around and saw a young girl pick up a doll by your feet. "Did you throw that"? She nodded nervously and you took the doll from her and threw the other way. She got teary eyed and ran to get it.

She took it and ran off crying. You didn't care, it was a trigger. An accident. They shouldn't even happen. That's what's registered in your mind. Nothing would change that. "That wasn't necessary". You turned around and saw the medjay who was talked about a lot.

Bayek. "She's just a child". You couldn't believe he was actually in front of you but you ignored him and walked away. But he wasn't giving up. "Hello"? You kept ignoring him until he decided to step in front of you. "I'm talking to you".

"And your wasting your time". You shoved past him but he got in front of you again. You were about to speak but he said something first. "Why are you so angry"?

"I'm not angry". Bayek seemed unfazed by your answer and took a closer look at you. "Hmmm, well, when I look into your eyes, I see anger and sadness. Why is that"? You scoffed at him and shoved him aside to press on with your day. Apparently Bayek wasn't going to stop until he figured out what was wrong with you. You knew he was following you so you didn't care that you said out loud, "He's so stubborn".

Once at the market, you saw the usual people out and about, minding their own business and that's when you saw a magnificent horse up for grabs. You ran to it and asked the stablesman, "How much for this horse"?

"Five thousand coins". You couldn't believe what you just heard. How does this horse cost so much? "Why five thousand"?

"It's the fastest horse in all of Egypt and is guaranteed to be a loyal horse". You sighed in disappointment. This horse would be perfect for you but there's no way you can offord it. "I'll pay for it". You turned around and saw Bayek coming up to the man with a couple pouches of coins.

"What are you doing"?

"Buying you the horse" he said with a smile of compassion.


"When's the last time someone was nice to you? I'm demonstrating that good people still exist". You couldn't believe what was happening. He was actually buying an expensive horse for you just to prove that good people exist. He paid for the horse and took a hold of it to give to you. "Here you go".

"I... I don't know what to say. Thank you". Bayek smiled at you and gave you a lift onto your new horse once you two were out on the road. "He's incredible, thank you so much".

"It's my pleasure, but if I may..."

"What"? He smirked at you and whistled loudly and a horse that was assumed to be his showed up. He hoped on and said, "Let's see if that man was right about your horse. I'll race you". You smiled at him and said, "Alright, where to"?

"The entrance of the town, up on that small hill". You nodded in agreement and you both got your horse's into position. "Ready"?


You both raced off and your horse went as fast as possible which felt like the speed of a sandstorm. You were shocked by this and continued to ride and you knew for a fact that Bayek was losing the race. You smiled with victory and finally made it to the hill. When you looked back, Bayek was still trying to catch up but he realized his defeat and went slower. He made it to you and said, "I can't believe it, that man was correct! Your horse has the speed of a thousand horses"!

You smiled and said, "Now what"? Bayek thought for a moment and got off his horse to start a fire. "The suns going down. Let's enjoy the sunset". You gave him a weird look but he didn't notice. You wanted to leave but he's been nice up until this point so it would be wrong to leave so soon. He even bought you the fastest horse in all of Egypt, which is extremely unbelievable.

Is he trying to prove something?


After the sun went down, you and Bayek decided to stay on the hill top and admire the constellations. There was one of Osiris and Bayek told you the story. "Osiris was cut into fourteen pieces by his jealous brother, who scattered the pieces through-out the land. Osiris' wife, Iset, searched and found all the pieces except one".

"What happened to the other piece"?

"It was eaten by a fish. It was his, ah... So Osiris was resurrected and became lord of the underworld".

"Oh... so he couldn't have children anymore, huh".

"Your right. Osiris, the father of gods. Brother of Set who murdered him. It is said that Iset's tears for her beloved husband created the nile".

"That's... incredible. How do you know so much about these". Bayek sat up and looked to you. "I would sit with my son, Khemu, and teach him about the God's and their stories. He was always filled with curiosity and determination. But then he was taken from me-".

"I heard about your son's murder. I'm sorry". Bayek nodded but then asked you, "I can tell your heart is cold, and like so, it defines you".


"Let me help you with that".

"How"? Bayek scooted towards you and said, "By showing what you have been denied. Love and kindness. I have shown kindness by giving you the horse and I will now give you the love you deserve". He then kissed you. You were stunned and went wide eyed but... it felt right. You closed your eyes in enjoyment and wrapped your arms around him and he did the same.

After a minute, you both pulled and Bayek could see the tears starting to spill from your eyes. He wiped a stray tear from your cheek and you snuggled up to him to feel all the darkness and anger melt away from your being. "Thank you, Bayek".

He then said in a whisper into your ear, "Your welcome, (y/n)".

Author's notes:

Ok, here you go HannahPuno. Bayek is so caring and determined and I think that's why a lot of people like him or love him. I love him too. His story is incredible, the scenery of the game is outstanding and the controls are perfect. We all love him.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

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Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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