(REQUEST) (Hunting lessons) (Teen! Connor x Reader)

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It was one of those super cold winter's on the homestead and barely any sight of anything to do to occupy yourself. You could probably play by the river but ever since you became older, you had more responsibilities. This means attending to crops, cooking and make sure the stables were clean. Since you were now taking your small break after helping your mother cook, you heard what sounded like commotion outside of the mill.

You nervously walked to the door and opened it up to reveal the new person who now lives with Achilles at his manor. His name is Connor and he was just one of the best hunters that you've ever seen. He was the same age as you, so maybe he could teach you a little bit. You and him have spoke before but not for very long.

It can't hurt to ask. You quickly ran outside to catch up to him. "Connor, are you busy"?

He turned around and saw you and gave a crooked smile. "Hello (y/n) and as of now I am not busy. Why do you ask"?

"Well... would you be able to teach me to hunt better"?

He smiled a little more and took your hand. "Come with me". You tensed but you complied and followed him and he led you to the stables and took a horse and waited for you to hop on one. You chose your stallion and he chose his own horse and both of you rode off.


Connor had led you to a large open area where there was a herd of horses and other wild animals. You both got off your horses and he led you to the ground and handed you his bow and a couple arrows.

"I've only done this once so forgive me if I'm bad". He positioned the bow and made sure it was aimed at a large buck that had just come out of the woods to graze. "You got this, just breathe" he soothed.

You pulled back the arrow and took in a deep breath and released the arrow with a big exhale. The arrow went shooting in it's direction and went right into the bucks neck and it instantly died. You screeched in excitement but it was a little loud which caused the other animals, besides the wild horses, to scatter.

"Oops, sorry Connor". He smiled and stood up to take your hand and pull you up. "Don't worry about it, that kill was amazing". You smiled at him and he led you down the hill to go get the buck.

"A perfect kill. I'm impressed (y/n). And you only did this once"?

"Yea, and I failed on my first attempt". Connor picked up the deer and hauled it back to the horses.


You both made it back to your mill and started to cut into the deer. "I'm very proud of myself. Could you keep teaching me Connor"? He looked to you and smiled at you. "I would love to".

"What else is there to teach me"?

"Better aim with the bow, setting traps, tracking, kills from above in the trees, being able to kill larger animals and-"

"That sounds like a lot of work" you whined. He chuckled and said, "It may seem that way but it's worth it if you wish to be better at hunting".

"And you can teach me"?

"Of course" he said. You squealed in excitement and bomb rushed him in a hug. He returned the embrace and smiled. He truly felt that he was going to have fun training you.


Connor trained you everyday by setting up targets, teaching you how to set up traps, using the trees as a new path, using bait, taking on bears and wolves, and skinning animals for their hide. It was difficult but you quickly caught on and it became a piece of cake.

You and Connor became fast friends and had a lot in common. But he one day presented flowers to you and ever since then, he began acting more flirty with you. It was enjoyable to watch but he seemed shy about it.

He is so adorable when he blushes. It makes you smile and makes your heart boom. It started to get more cuter when he asked you out for a midnight ride through the plains. You accepted and he seemed thrilled when you said yes. It was like a kid in a candy store.

He said to meet him there at the hill top where the hill overlooks the plains where first killed that buck. That was perfect. You were riding out to the spot he told you to meet at. The night was silent and still. But you kept going to meet him there.

Suddenly, you heard twigs snapping and growling. You halted your horse and looked around and saw one wolf after another stalking towards you. You started to run away but they cut you off. Your horse reared and you fell off.

The wolves were getting closer and you only had one thing to do. You pulled out a dagger that Connor gave you and when one jumped to you but you were to quick and you slit it's throat but more kept coming but you were still way to quick thanks to Connor teaching.

One after the other the wolves were piling up like firewood after being chopped. These wolves were so weak. Or maybe because you became so strong that you could probably kill a giant with one punch.

The last one was killed and thankfully the wolves didn't attack your horse otherwise there would be a bigger problem. "(Y/n), are you hurt"? You turned around and saw Connor and he was panicking because he thought that you were injured.

"Don't worry Connor, I'm fine".

"Are you sure"?

You walked to him and pulled him in for a kiss. He was shocked but held you and kissed you back for a longer period of time.

After that day, you and Connor spent so much time together and even had intercourse one night with him. I'm not going into details on that but it was a night to remember. But apart from that, you both became the most inseparable couple in the world.

He loves you... you love him... And that's all that matters!

Author's note's:

Ok, here you go Chubb_boi. Please don't murder me since this took forever to make. Believe it or not, but this was the first request I've ever received but for some reason I kept delaying and delaying it for month's. I've got no excuse, and I'm so sorry. Please don't murder me.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

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Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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