(REQUEST) (NO, NOT LIKE THIS!) (Ezio Auditore X Reader)

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If love did exist, then why hasn't he come back? He always promised he would come back, but he never did. The blood was pouring from your side and the pain was unbearable. "He said he would always be there for you, but he's not this time".


Is there anywhere else you can without dealing with drama? Hopefully you can. You've been all over the place trying to find the perfect place to live and so far, nothing. The only last place you could go to was Roma (Rome) and hope to find your purpose in life. Your goal was to find a new place out on the country side by the river that was a borderline for the city.

The house you purchased was by houses that were in ruins and right by the river. It was better than the other filthy and run down homes. You didn't want to have neighbors at all because you valued your privacy. Anyone who disrespected your rule is bound for death. Dramatic, isn't it? But that's what happens when someone messes with you intentionally.

After settling in your new home, you went out to the city and decided to walk around and get used to your surroundings. The people seemed polite, the shops sold art, weapons, medicine, as well as dyes and cloaks. There were also musicians who played lutes to entertain people on the streets. "It's kinda nice". The lute musicians were casually playing their instruments of joy and peace.

It was better than what you heard than the last place you settled at. You would hear drunk mem scream and horses going crazy. But this place was even better than the last. Hell, it was better than everything else. Now all that's left is to hope nothing bad will happen to make you move again. Hopefully nothing bad does happen.

So far so good. "Stop! Thief"!


You turned around and saw a man running away from someone else. He was carrying a small pouch. Most likely a coin purse. Without thinking, you took off after the thief and tried to catch him. He was fast but you were determined to catch him and prove that petty crime is just as bad as any other crime. When you were almost at arms reach you tackled him to the ground and missed.

You got up as quickly as you could and tried catching up to him but he got away. "Damn it". You went back to the man who had his purse taken and you were ashamed of yourself for not catching him. He saw you go after the thief and when he saw you come back, he looked hopeful that you were able to retrieve his purse. You were going to tell the truth, but an idea sparked in your head.

"Here you go". You gave him your own coin purse and didn't have to worry since you had a couple others back at home. He didn't know it was yours and looked grateful. "Grazie, bella (Thank you, beautiful). I'm grateful for this".

You smiled at him and said your good byes. Others noticed your action and were glad to see that not everyone was a petty thief. "I saw what you did". You turned around and saw a remarkably good looking gentleman with a white hooded outfit and with some red. He had noticeable weapons and an unknown symbol on his belt. "I know you gave him your money when you couldn't catch him. I've never seen such kindness".

"Thank you. Who are you, if I may ask"?

"Ezio Auditore, and you are..?"

"(Y/n) (L/n). I just came here from Firenze but after an unfortunate incident, I kept transitioning from different cities to live safely". Ezio seemed inquisitive but knew it wasn't his business. "Forgive me for asking, but what are you wearing"? Ezio smiled at you and said, "You haven't heard of the Assassins, I'm assuming".

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