(REQUEST) (He's my special rook) (Jacob Frye x Reader) (Smut)

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Warning... smut up ahead...

You have moved to the city of London and were so excited to finally have the house of your dreams. It was a nice little townhouse that is right in the city. A little spot that was perfect to your liking. The people were friendly to you due to your beautiful features. There was so much you wanted to explore but you didn't know where to start.

Your new friend, who went by the name of Elizabeth, suggested that you and her should explore the city together. It was a brilliant plan and you accepted. Elizabeth has lived in London for 12 years and she claims that she knows every part of the city lile the back of her hand.

Elizabeth took you all over the place. You both ended up at a small park and ended up relaxing on a nearby bench for awhile. "So, has the city been treating you fairly".

"Yes" you said proudly "this must be the best decision I have made by far in my life".

"I'm happy for you, and even more happy that I've had the fortune to have a new friend". You smiled warmly at her compliment and continued on with admiring the scenery. There were kids playing together and other adults were walking about the streets casually. "If I may ask you (y/n), what was your old home like".

You thought for a good moment before giving your summary. "Well, if I must be completely honest, it was a rather small town in America in Boston. I was lucky enough to have a lot of caring and loving friends and family. Unfortunately I lost my family and our home and I came here with whatever money I had left and here I am".

Your mood changed from happy to sad when you kept talking about the history of your past. It was hard to say goodbye to all the things you loved from day one, but ever since you met Elizabeth, you didn't feel alone at all. "Wow, would you look at that". You looked over and saw a man and woman jumping from roof to roof.

"Impressive moves, I'm curious where one can learn moves such as that".

"Who knows, they both seem like remarkable people, which reminds me, have you seen any men around that intrigue you in any way". You thought for a good moment before giving your answer.

"No I have not. I haven't thought about it, not even in the slightest. I don't think any of them are the kind of men I would want to pursue, look at those two over there". Two men were standing near a tree fighting but kept missing every swing. It's pretty obvious, they were intoxicated or drunk. "Oh, I see what you mean, but please know that not all men are like that, I've had the fortune of meeting some true gentlemen in the past, but please note that this city of ours is notorious for having some remarkable gentlemen".

You took it into consideration on whether or not that was true or not, but you can't play the judging game just yet, you have to make a final decision on everything after you see it for yourself.

The sun was starting to set and the golden light that spread out across the sky indicated that it was time to depart home for the night. You said your goodbyes to Elizabeth and made your way home. The walk was peaceful and calming. Your home street was coming into view but you now had different plans. A man had ran up to you and snatched your coin purse.

"NO, GIVE THAT BACK"!!! you yelled as you tried to keep up but your dress was getting in your way. The guy was getting further and further away. "No" you said sadly. You gave up and were about to walk home but felt two taps on your shoulder. You turned around to see a handsome man with a top hat and a nice victorian style. Your eyes ogled over his handsome features, and that scar over his brow.

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