(SERIES) (True fictional love) (4) (Assassins X Latino! Female! Reader)

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With the sun peeking in through the curtains, you awoke to see that you were resting on Aguilars shoulder. You smiled and didn't even feel like moving a single muscle. Unfortunately, a crash was heard from your kitchen and you sprung to your feet and grabbed the hidden handgun underneath your nightstand. Aguilar heard the noise and followed after you. Expecting the worst, you came down to see your glass coffee table shattered and two terrified Assassins.

Your eyes grew wide and you looked to see a terrified Jacob and Evie. "What happened" you asked with anger since you were still trying to wake yourself up.

"Jacob was sitting on the couch and propped his feet up on the table and broke the glass" Evie said trying to keep you calm since she could tell you were fuming. "I'm sorry" Jacob said since he could tell he fucked up.

"Its fine. I just need to clean it up-"

"No! Jacob will" Evie said and pushed her brother towards the kitchen. "I'm sorry (y/n)" Evie said.

"Its ok. I'll get the broom and vacuum" you said. Aguilar could feel the immense anger you were harboring and waited until you pulled out the said items and pulled you into the dining room. "¿Estás bien mi amor?" ("Are you alright, my love"?)

"Si, estoy bien. Todavía estoy tratando de entender todo esto". ("Yeah, I'm ok. I'm still trying to wrap my head around this whole thing".) Aguilar then gently pulled you close to him and whispered "Estoy aquí para ti. No te preocupes". ("I'm here for you. Don't worry".) Aguilar kissed your forehead and held you close to him. His embrace was very comforting and he was already falling in love with you. You eventually had to let go and saw that Jacob was sweeping up the broken glass.

"Thank you, Jacob".

"I'm sorry again (Y/n)-"

"No, it's ok. Accidents happen. I've had to learn that the hard way". You left and went back up to your room to sleep since you were very tired. Aguilar followed you and saw you plop back into bed. "Why sleep again"?

"I'm very tired". Aguilar smiled and sat down beside you. He started to run a hand through your long and silky hair and you rested your head on his leg. He absolutely loved your beautiful face and leaned down to kiss your soft lips. The connection you two have is very strong and powerful. The beautiful moment was interrupted by a small knock on the doorway. Ezio stood there with a smirk and you grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. "GET OUT"! Ezio just laughed and ran away from the door.

You sat up and held Aguilars shoulders and said, "So... Where were we"?


After a long makeout session, you and Aguilar came downstairs to see the others waiting for you. Knowing what they wanted, you headed into the kitchen to cook breakfast. Aguilar offered his assistance even though he wasn't sure what to do. The only thing being made was bacon, eggs and coffee. Nothing special but you could see the very hungry looks on the others faces. "Is it ready yet" Jacob whined.

"Not yet" you said. You could hear his loud sigh as he turned his attention back to the television. They were watching a movie that you enjoyed but you had to focus on cooking. After giving the instructions about the tenth time, Aguilar was stirring the eggs and you were attending to the bacon. When he wasn't looking, you took a piece of bacon and came up from behind and shoved it into his face. He laughed and grabbed you by the shoulders to hold you still. He took the bacon and stuck it into his mouth and smirked.

You smirked and started to nibble at the end of the strip of bacon. It was pretty much like the scene from lady and the tramp with the spaghetti but Aguilar spoke, "We should finish making the food".

"Right". You two quickly kissed each other and went back to cooking with the occasional looks at each other but Aguilar seemed to have something on his mind. He didn't seem mad or sad, just determined. It made you very curious but you would have to wait until then. Anyways, you and Aguilar finished the breakfast and after you served it to them, he pulled you into the your office, away from everyone else. "Quiero decirte algo. No quiero volver a casa, quiero quedarme aquí contigo, mi amor". ("I want to tell you something. I don't want to go back home, I want to stay here with you, my love".)

"¿Tú lo haces? ¿Pero por qué? ¿No extrañas tu hogar"? ("You do? But why? Don't you miss home"?)

Aguilar went silent for a moment and gently took your hand. "No. Siempre estaba en movimiento y nunca podría tener tiempo para mí solo con alguien que me importa". ("No. I was always on the move and could never have time to myself with someone I care for".)

"¿Qué hay de María? Pensé que la amabas"? ("What about Maria? I thought you loved her"?)

Aguilar sighed and said in a sad tone, "Fue asesinada por los enemigos y era algo por lo que pensé que nunca podría pasar. Pero luego, de alguna manera, te encuentro y no quiero perderte". ("She was killed by the enemies and it was something I thought I could never move past by. But then, somehow, I find you and I don't want to lose you".) Aguilar then had a very small tear escape his eye and your instincts took over and you pulled him close to comfort him. He held you tightly and he started to cry softly into your shoulder. "Ti amo" ("I love you") Aguilar said.

"Yo también re quiero". ("I love you too".)

Author's notes:

Ok, here you go Andrea_Komuro. Sorry that this is late. I know you were very anxious about this one but there's no need to wait for it any longer. Sorry again. Requests?

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, bye bye 😊

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