First Meetings

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The pup looked up and saw a teenager. He was about sixteen with ruffled hair. He was lanky and had a longer neck than most humans. His brown eyes were soft in understanding.

"Are you lost puppy," he asked as he kneeled down a bit.

The pup nodded. "Actually I am."

The teenager seemed shocked and fell backwards. "You can speak," he asked in fear before he studied the pup's wings.

The pup looked at his wings and plastered his ears against his head. "I'm sorry I startled you. I was experimented on with eagle DNA," he explained as he tensed his muscles.

The teenager stretched out a hand and stroked the pup's spine. The pup smiled and rolled on it's back. The teenager smiled. "Do you have a home?"

The pup shook his head. "N-No," he stammered. "I lived in a lab my whole life."

The teenager seemed to have taken a liking to this pup. "Hey you know I've always wanted a pet. I don't think my aunt or uncle would mind so would you like to come with me," asked the teenager as he stroked his chin thoughtfully.

"You'd do that," asked the pup as he perked his ears. "You don't mind that I'm a bit er different."

The boy shook his head. "Uh no of course not." He stood upright before he looked down on the pup again. "What's your name?"

The pup thought for a heartbeat. He hadn't been given a name, at least not one that he knew of. He didn't want to let this teenager he just met chose it so he thought quickly about his life and what had happened in it. "I'm Abandon."

The teenager smiled. "Peter Parker."

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