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Peter saw with his head down as he heard the principal talk to his uncle. He wanted to chime in but he knew it would be better if he just stayed silent. No one in the school would be on his side so it wasn't like anyone would tell the story from his side. It would all be Flash and his followers, acting like he murdered someone instead of just embarrassing them.

"Now I am sentencing him to community service for the next month. However he will not be suspended. This is his first offense and no one was hurt," the principal told Peter and Uncle Ben.

"I will make sure that he does everything that he needs to and that he understands how generous of an offer he knows you made him," Uncle Ben replied before he rested a hand against Peter's shoulder.

Abandon looked up at Peter and tried to whimper encouragement. However Peter wasn't ready to let Abandon comfort him. He knew that he deserved whatever was coming for him.

"Now you two can go. He isn't missing much," murmured the principal before he wrote down Peter's punishment on a piece of paper. He handed it to Uncle Ben who tucked it into his pocket. He nodded to Peter before he forced himself to his own feet. Peter followed and Abandon brought up the rear.

Abandon pressed against Peter's leg and whimpered a bit. "It's alright," he chided gently as he licked his lips but Peter couldn't hear him. "I should have taken care of myself when he brought me into it, not you."

Uncle Ben suddenly halted and Abandon nearly ran into him. He halted and looked up at his uncle with dark eyes. He was readying himself for the punishment and scolding that was coming from him. He knew it would be a thousand times worse from Uncle Ben than from the principal.

"I said I was sorry," Peter started out but Uncle Ben raised a hand to cut him off.

"Was that the boy who punched you," asked Uncle Ben as he leaned forward so that no one else could hear them speaking.

Peter turned away and looked around, biting his lip. "Well was it," pressed Uncle Ben in a tone that demanded an answer.

Peter nodded his head vigorously. "But if you knew what he did to me then maybe you'd understand," he growled in a tone that sounded like that of a teenager, readying to rebel.

Uncle Ben nodded a bit. "So this was all about getting even, now was it?" Peter was about to answer but he cut him off. "You embarrassed him."

"I'm sorry I broke the hoop and the backboard. I can pay for it," assured Peter as he tried to reason with his uncle.

Uncle Ben shook his head. "I don't care about the backboard! I can pay for that." He suddenly looked away and stopped his rant as he saw Gwen Stacy, the girl who Peter was still crushing on.

"Isn't that the girl on your computer screen," asked Uncle Ben with gleaming eyes.

Abandon starting tuning him out. All he saw was Sheba, the beautiful Husky who he had a crush on. She must have seen Flash and Peter going at it. How did that make him look in her eyes?

"Hey he has you on his computer screen," called Uncle Ben as Gwen looked up and blushed a bit.

Peter looked like he wanted to say something to her but shyness took over him. Abandon rolled his eyes and butted his head a bit against his leg.

"Alright well because I had to come here and deal with you I had to take the later shift. I need you to pick up your aunt," Uncle Ben explained. Peter seemed to be looking off and Ben placed out a hand to shake him a but. "Understand?"

"Yeah yeah," assured Peter before he leaned forward a bit. "Don't worry."

Uncle Ben nodded before he walked past Peter. "She is pretty," he whispered before he set off out of the school.

Peter sighed before Gwen strolled over. "Am I really on your computer screen," she asked with bright eyes.

Abandon smiled a bit before he saw Sheba drawing near. He shuffled his paws and looked at the ground. Embarrassment swooped over him.

"Hey," she breathed.

"H-Hi," stammered Abandon as he lifted his head and his gaze met hers. She had the most beautiful blue eyes he had ever seen. Her pelt was striking as well. Now that he was very close he saw it was white with black markings. She also had a few reddish hints. She was certainly a striking wolf.

"Are you alright," she asked as she looked around him.

His pelt instantly felt hot as if he was self conscious about every dirty splotch on his pelt. He felt like he should groom his pelt better. "I've been better," he confessed before he turned his head a bit.

Sheba gasped and his eyes flickered in shock. "What? What!" The way she sounded made him think that the world was coming to an end.

Sheba leaned forward and gingerly placed a paw on his neck. "You have a large glass shard in your neck," she explained before she leaned forward. She licked around the glass and Abandon gasped a bit in pain. Her eyes softened as she took the shard between her teeth. She gingerly took it out and spat it on the ground. Bright crimson blood dotted the tip but Abandon just licked his paw and rubbed it on his wound.

"I'll be fine," he assured although now his neck burned like fury. He was sure that the glass was dirty. It wasn't like the school ever cleaned it so fear rippled through him that it might become infected. "It's just a nick."

"Are you sure," she pressed with concern in her eyes.

Abandon brightened, knowing that she felt something toward him. It was something hopefully deeper than friendship. "Yeah I'm sure," he breathed before he shuffled his paws again. "Would you like to hang out some time," he asked with pricked ears.

Sheba smiled and her tail wagged. "Sure! I'd love to. Well not tonight I have something else to do," he murmured as he threw his head toward Peter. "Or at least he does."

Sheba laughed lightly. "Oh I know how companions can be. It seems like Gwen is always moving so I have to be too."

"Yeah," rasped Abandon and he couldn't stop his tail from wagging or his heart from fluttering in his chest. "That's how it is with Peter too."

"Well I'll see you around, Abandon," she murmured before she looked up to Gwen who was calling her. She yipped and strode forward, her curly tail placed gently over her back.

Abandon felt like he was walking on feathers. He turned to Peter and whimpered. "I spoke to her," he gasped as he felt ready to fly. However he knew he couldn't or people would see what he was.

"I spoke to my friend too or soon to be more," Peter murmured before he shook his head to get out of his daze. "Well let's go."

"Where are we going now," complained Abandon as he followed Peter but he dragged his paws.

"We have to go and talk to Dr. Conners. He's the only one who knows about my father," Peter pointed out as he ran down the hallway and out of the school.

Abandon followed and as soon as he exited the school he spread his eagle like wings and took to the sky. "Alright but I want you to know how much I hate reptiles."

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