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Peter leaped back and shook his head madly. "You couldn't have! You must have been half asleep," he reasoned.

Abandon growled and shook his head. "I was not asleep! I know what I saw and I saw my parents," he growled as his eyes turned to unhappy slits.

Peter stood up and stalked around the white room. "I'm sure you were just on some sort of pill and it made you delirious."

Rage stirred inside Abandon. "I thought you told me that I wasn't on any pills," he argued as he struggled to prop himself up.

Peter realized what he had said and he turned around again, furious. "What did they look like then?"

Abandon turned his muzzle upward in pride. "My mother is pure white with cloudy gray paws and muzzle with beautiful stunning eyes. My father looks a lot like me but his pelt is darker than mine and he had more white on him than I do."

"What are their names," pressed Peter since he still thought that Abandon was making it up or he had dreamt it.

Two names flashed through Abandon's head. "Frost and Arrow."

Peter looked at his feet. "This can't be possible! Did they see you?" His voice was beginning to shake and Abandon realized that he had wished he had been the one to see his own parents. However Abandon couldn't change anything now.

Abandon shook his head. "I saw the past. I saw the day before the humans came and killed them!" He bared his teeth in a snarl. "My mother was wrapped around me with my father guarding us. After that night I would never see them again."

Peter shook his head madly. "How do you know you didn't dream it?"

Abandon opened his muzzle, ready to argue. He then realized that Peter wouldn't believe him if he said he caught a glimpse of Starbound. He would write him off as crazy and probably ask the vets for some more medication. He decided his best option was to keep this story to himself and tell Peter that he did dream it.

"Fine," grumbled Abandon as he sunk his claws into the bed. "Maybe I did dream it but it felt so real."

Peter's eyes softened and he stroked Abandon's flank. "Don't worry. I dream about my parents all the time but that doesn't mean they're coming back."

Abandon forced himself to feel comforted. He wasn't though since he knew what he saw. He knew what his parents looked like and how much they loved him. Peter may not believe him but he knew what he said was true. No matter what he'd never forget it.

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