Meeting Dr. Conners

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"Gwen," whispered Peter and Abandon looked up.

"Where," he whispered as he peered between people's legs to try and spot her. "Is she an intern too?"

"No she's the instructor," answered Peter before Gwen began speaking.

"I am Gwen Stacy assistance to Dr. Conners. Now I will be leading this tour today and you need to stay with me at all times or-"

Suddenly we heard a man screeching. Abandon looked down and saw that the man was saying his name and his name was on Peter's nametag. He narrowed his eyes at Peter but Peter just shrugged.

"Well that is what will happen. Now follow me." She turned and strode forward with the rest of the group following. Peter and Abandon brought up the rear, not wanting attention to come to them.

"Don't get all clammy," growled Abandon as he felt Peter grasp down on the harness harder. "Just because you're not saying that you're nervous doesn't mean that I can't see that you are."

Peter looked down. "Just because wolves can sense emotions doesn't mean you have to tell me every time you notice a change in my mood."

Abandon smiled and pushed forward. They traveled with the group to a large room with a lot of computers and people rushing around in lab coats. Abandon blinked his eyes as he tried to get a better look than just legs and feet.

"Do you see him," asked Abandon as he pulled on the harness a bit. Peter hauled him backwards and Abandon grumbled.

Suddenly a man came forward with thin blonde hair, striking eyes, but his most distinct feature was that he only had one arm. His other arm was merely a stump that hung down. He wasn't embarrassed by it since he had his sleeve folded up so that everyone could see it. He smiled as he turned to Gwen.

"So this is the group," he murmured as he scanned the crowd. "I am Dr. Kirk Conners of Oscorp's genetics research."

Abandon gasped as he saw a lot of animals. He pulled his harness out of Peter's hand easily and strode toward a box that held two mice. He threw his ears forward and whimpered a bit. They mice turned their heads and pranced over to Abandon.

They squeaked but Abandon couldn't understand them. He just whined, hoping that they could understand him. He didn't know because they kept darting in circles. One of the mice suddenly fell and Abandon realized that they only had one leg. He pressed a paw to the glass and the mice stared at it, their little whiskers twitching.

"Now if you'll follow me," Gwen told the group and Abandon turned, darting toward Peter. He pressed against Peter's leg and pushed the harness into his hand.

"Where'd you go off to," asked Peter as he pushed forward.

"It was nothing," Abandon murmured quickly with a dismissive flick of his tail. He had tried to hide any concerns about other animals to himself since he couldn't make Peter understand. He was human, never having to face what animals faced, most of the time. He just shook his head and pushed forward.

He suddenly felt something collide with his head. He snarled and looked up to see a man with a black suit and something strange in his ear. The man had dropped something and Peter leaned down. "Sorry." He looked at the folder and froze.

The man looked a bit angry and Abandon pushed his head against Peter's leg. "Give him the folder," he whispered.

Peter shook his head to clear it and he gave him the folder. Once the man left Peter knelt down. "He had a folder with the same equation as my father's."

"So," inquired Abandon as he blinked his eyes. "Maybe he just is as interested in this as you are."

Peter shook his head. "No that's not it. Come on!" He turned and dragged Abandon forward but Abandon sunk his claws into the ground until they screeched and Peter turned around.

"What are you doing," snapped Abandon as he yanked his harness from Peter's hand.

Peter turned back, his eyes pleading. "Please Abandon. We have to follow him. He may know about my parents or better about the equation!"

Abandon sighed, prancing forward. "What are we waiting for?"

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