Price Of Knowing

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Abandon watched as Peter strode into the school. He kinked his tail over his back before he turned his head and saw Sheba reading a book under the picnic table that she had been under a few days ago. He brightened and turned to a puddle a few paces away from him.

He strode toward it and brushed a paw firmly against the fur between his ears. He brushed it down but his hair just pricked up and he looked like he had just woken up. He tried a few more times but the fur just poked back up and Abandon let out a sigh.

He shook his head to look a bit more natural. He then puffed out his chest fur and strode toward Sheba. Once he was a few paces away from her he cleared his throat and looked to Sheba. Sheba looked up and beamed as she saw Abandon.

"Abandon," she gasped as she abandoned her reading and darted to his side, her eyes bright. "Where have you been?"

Abandon shuffled his paws. "Er the vet clinic," he confessed as he looked at his paws since he didn't want to see the concern in Sheba's eyes.

"Vet's clinic," echoed Sheba in utter shock as she shook her head madly in confusion. "What happened?"

Abandon smiled a bit. "I saved a girl from a burning car and the smoke got to me along with carbon monoxide. I was rushed in and almost died but I'm fine now."

"Great Lupus are you sure," fretted Sheba as she rushed to Abandon's side and pressed against him. Abandon loved the touch but he didn't want to think of him as weak. He pulled away from her and dipped his head. "Of course I'm sure. I'll be fine."

"So how does it feel to have that much power," inquired Sheba as she tilted her head, filled with wonder.

"Not too bad," Abandon barked before he thrust out a wing and touched it gingerly to Sheba's flank. Sheba's eyes glowed and she rumbled in happiness. She blushed a bit and Abandon couldn't help but feel a spark of something rush through his body.

"How does it feel to fly," wondered Sheba as she leaped onto a picnic table and lifted her head to feel the wind rush against it.

"Great," replied Abandon before he leaped beside Sheba. "Do you want to feel how great?"

"But I don't have wings," argued Sheba as her eyes flickered.

"I do," Abandon pointed out as he bristled his fur and he extended his talons a bit. Sheba looked at them before she gingerly touched one curiously, wondering how they would feel. "I can hold on to you." Sheba looked apprehensive. "Don't worry, I won't drop you."

Sheba chuckled. "I didn't think you would. I just have never been that high up."

"It's not so bad when you're actually up there," Abandon assured as he thrust out his other wing and flapped them a bit. He hovered over Sheba and sunk his claws into Sheba's pelt but it didn't hurt. "Now are you ready?"

"I suppose." Abandon suddenly took to the air with Sheba hanging underneath him. He took to the sky slowly before he picked up the pace a bit and he took to the sky over the school. He then tilted his wings before he took toward the taller buildings, making sure he had a firm grip on Sheba so he didn't drop her since she would surely die from this height.

"Isn't this great," he asked her as he made a sharp turn before he rested on a building and gingerly set Sheba down. He then landed beside her and rested his wings against his flank gingerly. He looked out on the busy city before he looked toward Sheba. "Did you like it?"

"Like it," asked Sheba as she raised a paw and plastered the fur that was ruffled from the flight. "I loved it!"

Abandon wagged his tail. "I thought you might. It does feel special to fly through the air," he murmured. For once in his life he actually was thankful that he had wings.

Abandon suddenly pricked his ears and sighed. "We better get back though. It's lunch break and Peter told me to keep it slow."

Sheba nodded and Abandon flew over Sheba. He grasped his claws into Sheba's pelt gingerly. He took to the air and flew downward, wanting Sheba to feel the rush of life once more. He wanted Sheba to feel like he did for a few heartbeats. It made him feel like he wasn't as alone as he felt.

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