School Stinks

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They arrived at school early but the doors were unlocked. They pushed themselves in and Abandon opened his mouth, taking in the scents of the school. It smelled freshly cleaned but a clear boy sweat smell clung to the air. Abandon wrinkled his nose a bit in disgust but then shook his head to clear it. He didn't want to be rude.

"Well this is my school. It's where I spent my first two years of highschool."

"I thought you were in tenth grade," asked Abandon as he tilted his head.

"I am but tenth grade is almost over so I'm counting that," he chuckled before he rushed forward with Abandon hot behind him. They bounded through the halls until Peter stopped a locker and opened it. It was very neat and organized with a large camera in the back. He took out the camera and slung the strap over his shoulder. "Ready?"

Abandon nodded and kept his wings tucked against his body. He threw his muzzle high in the air and took in a ragged breath. "Does this mean I can't speak to anyone, except you?"

Peter nodded. "Yeah that's what this means." He began adjusting the lenses.

"We should have a code when I need to talk to you," suggested Abandon as he started to pace a bit. "How about I paw at your knee?"

Peter looked up and shrugged. "Sure. Sure. That works." Once he had fixed his lenses he turned and strode down the hallway with Abandon following. He pushed into a room where there was a group of what looked to be ninth and tenth graders. There were piles of books all over the room and Abandon knew that the team had to read all of those books.

"Hey Peter," called a kid with spiky red hair and playful green eyes. "Are you here to take those pictures."

Peter smiled. "Yeah." He kneeled down and Abandon peeked his tail around the Peter's leg.

"Who's that," asked a girl with short brown hair and hazel eyes. She pointed at Abandon and beamed from ear to ear.

Peter looked down at Abandon. "Oh this is my new dog, Abandon."

"What kind of a name is that," quipped a longer haired boy with blue eyes.

"It's the name I picked," shot back Peter before he turned back to the girl. "I just got him yesterday and I didn't want to leave him at home."

The girl stretched out a hand and stroked Abandon's flank. "Can we have a picture with him? He can be our mascot!"

A few other girls at the team nodded in agreement and they called Abandon over. Abandon padded forward slowly and the girls began to pose around him. The other boys reluctantly followed and Peter placed a few books around them. He snapped a few quick pictures and once he was finished he called Abandon back.

"Thanks guys," called Peter before he strode out of the den with Abandon trailing.

Once they were out of hearing distance Abandon let out a sigh. "I wasn't expecting that."

"Don't worry, you did great," assured Peter before he kneeled down and stroked Abandon.

Suddenly Peter lurched forward and Abandon leaped back. He looked over Peter's shoulder and saw a large boy towering over both of them. Peter jumped to his paws and spun to face the boy. "What do you want Flash?"

Flash smiled a bit and looked at Abandon. He then launched himself forward and grabbed Abandon by the scruff. Abandon's eyes widened in shock and his breath was caught in his throat. He dangled from Flash's hand and he struggled not to show his wings.

"Leave him alone Flash," snapped Peter as he narrowed his eyes at Flash.

Flash swung Abandon around and slammed him against the locker. Abandon felt an aching sensation in his chest and he coughed a bit. He wanted to cry for Peter but he couldn't since other kids who were trailing in were beginning to stare.

"If you want him, come and get him," Flash told Peter as he turned to a few of his follows and snickered. "Little Peter Parker got a puppy. Let's see how long it takes to break him!"

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