Memories Fading

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Whimpering sounded followed by the cry of a young pup. It's small paws battered against it's mother's underbelly. The mother wolf's eyes lit in amusement and affection as she arched her neck and licked the pup between the ears to calm him down. The pup's voice turned calmer before he nestled closer to his mother.

Abandon suddenly blinked open his eyes and this was the sight he saw. The mother nestled the pup closer to her and began to groom his pelt. The mother was pure white like shimmering snow. Her eyes were as gentle and calm like a slow moving stream. Her muzzle was pointier than most with a softer grayish hint at the end almost like she had shoved her muzzle halfway into smoke and it had stained her fur.

Abandon looked at the pup tucked against it's mother's underbelly. The pup had light brown fur. White fur was splattered on his chest and underbelly. He also had a white tipped tail. It's eyes weren't yet open so Abandon couldn't tell the color.

Suddenly a very large dark brown male wolf. He's amber eyes flickered as he halted beside the white wolf. He arched his head and Abandon saw the same white fur on his chest and upper neck that the pup had. Abandon realized that the dark brown and white wolf must be the light brown pup's father and the white wolf's mate.

The dark brown wolf instantly licked the white wolf's cheek affectionately. His eyes glowed as he looked at his son and he licked his son's cheek before he let out a wail. The father drew back and turned to his mate. The she-wolf calmed down her son before the father wolf curled around his mate and rested his head on the back of her flank. She rumbled in happiness and rested her head against her mate's head and had her muzzle hang into her pup's space so that the pup could feel it's mother's presence.

"Beautiful family, isn't it?"

Abandon looked over his shoulder and saw a large black wolf standing behind him. Abandon yelped in shock and leaped backwards, terror surging through him. He looked back at the wolf and realized his eyes were red, very red. He shuffled away from the wolf but the wolf wasn't about to let Abandon go so quickly.

"W-Who are you," stammered Abandon as his tail stuck out straight and he nearly tripped over it. It was taking everything he had no to thrust open his wings and fly away.

The black wolf twitched an ear. "I'm Shadow."

"Where I am," Abandon asked as he relaxed his muscles a bit but not all the way.

Shadow twitched an ear. "You're paying a visit to a place I call Starbound," Shadow explained. "It's a place where canines go when they die."

"Die," echoed Abandon as fear coursed through him. "I can't be dead?!"

"You're not," assured Shadow as he darted forward and gingerly touched his nose to Abandon's ear to calm him down. "I brought you here to show you something."

"Show me what," Abandon asked as he wriggled away from Shadow, a bit uncomfortable at feeling another wolf beside him that he didn't know very well.

Shadow pointed his muzzle toward the family of wolves sleeping together. "I wanted to show you that."

"Why," Abandon asked as he felt a twinge in his heart. Did this wolf have to rub it in that he didn't have a family and he probably never would.

"Because that is your family," replied Shadow gently.

Abandon shook his head madly. "No! That can't be! My family is dead!"

Shadow dipped his head in respect to try and calm Abandon down. "This is a glimpse into the past. This was your family the day before the humans came."

Abandon felt tears stream down his face. He looked back toward the family that looked so peaceful, so innocent. They probably had no idea that the next day their small world would be turned upside down.

"So that's my mother and my father," Abandon asked as he drew forward and peered at his mother and father.

Shadow smiled before he strode toward Abandon and looked down at the wolves. "Yes. Your mother's name was Frost and your father's name was Arrow."

Abandon smiled and saw his parents pressed closely against him. They were showing him affection and he longed for that feeling again. However that would never happen until he died and he wasn't ready to die yet.

Suddenly Abandon looked over his shoulder and saw Shadow pawing at the ground. "It's time to go," he murmured as he strode toward Abandon but Abandon leaped backwards.

"No," argued Abandon as his fur bristled. "I want to soak up this moment for as long as possible!"

"You need to wake up," urged Shadow as he shuffled his paws against the ground. "Peter is waiting for you. This can only be for a heartbeat anyway. These type of glimpses aren't met for long."

Abandon shot one more glance at his parents before he sighed and allowed Shadow toward him. Shadow touched his nose to Abandon's ear and Abandon crumpled to the ground. Shadow looked toward the three wolves and snickered. "So long, Abandon."

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