Wounded and Weak

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Abandon gasped as Peter kneeled in agony and his hands tensed up. He looked at his thigh with blood oozing out. Peter looked down at it and cringed.

"Zorum," called Abandon in a billowing howl.

Soon the young back wafted down. He ducked behind Abandon before he saw Peter's bullet wound. "Great Starbound," he gasped as he flew forward. He touched his nose to the wound before he turned his attention to Abandon.

"Can you heal it," asked Abandon in a pleading tone as his eyes flickered a bit.

Zorum shook his head. "I can get out any bullet fragments but I can't heal it since there's no infection. It had to do that on it's on," he confessed darkly.

Abandon sighed and looked up at Peter. "Are you going to be alright?"

Peter straightened a bit painfully and nodded. "I'll have to be." He grunted and stood up rigid but Abandon could still tell he was in immense pain. However he wasn't about to show any weakness since they needed to stop the lizard.

"So what's the plan now," asked Zorum as he looked to Abandon but Abandon looked to Peter, signaling that he had the say.

"We keep going," grunted Peter as he straightened a bit, favoring his injured leg. "The Lizard should already be to Oscorp tower by now."

Abandon flicked one wing. "How are you to get there," wondered Abandon as he tilted his head in confusion. "There's no way you can leap from building to building in your condition."

Peter looked like he wanted to argue but he knew there was no point to it. Abandon was right. "We could just go," offered Zorum but Abandon shook his head madly, a growl rolling in his throat.

"He's coming to," howled Abandon as he looked up. "What do you want us to do? Zorum and I could scout ahead?"

Zorum suddenly flew over Abandon's head and kicked at his ears a bit. "Abandon and I can handle it Peter. You don't have to come."

Suddenly Abandon twitched an ear. "We at least have to try. Nothing good comes from giving up," he growled as his friend as he pawed at his ear to try and get Zorum to fly over someone else's head.

"What do you want to do Peter," pressed Abandon as he strode over to his friend and gingerly licked the wound. Blood was oozing out of it and Abandon was hesitant to touch it since he didn't want to injure Peter even more. However Peter relaxed and allowed Abandon to soothe the wound with gently strokes of his tongue over the wound.

"Wolf saliva has healing properties," chimed in Zorum as he looked over Abandon's shoulder. "Just like a bat can take care of an infection."

"He shouldn't get an infection," grumbled Abandon between licks before he pricked his ears. He heard a strange sound between a roar and a hiss. "Lizard!"

"Come on," sighed Peter as he took a step forward. He nearly collapsed but Abandon urged him forward, his muscles bunched.

"We just have to make it to Oscorp," murmured Abandon reassuringly.

"You say that like it's an easy thing," grunted Peter as he straightened a bit and tried walking again.

"The buildings are so far apart," murmured Zorum as he flew close to Abandon's ear. "Will he make it?"

"He has to," murmured Abandon before he motioned Peter forward. "You go first and we'll be right behind you."

Peter forced a nod before he hobbled forward, the pain in his face covered by his Spiderman mask. He broke into a crooked trot before he made it to the edge of the building. He suddenly leaped into the air and pointed his wrist where he needed a web. A web shot out but it didn't even come close to building.

Peter suddenly plummeted toward the street. "Peter," wailed Abandon before he leaped off the building. He angled his wings and dove down, trying to outrace Peter. "Spread out your arms! It'll slow your descent."

To Abandon's dismay Peter actually obeyed and he slowed but not much. Abandon angled his wings and suddenly plummeted. When he was close enough to Peter he lowered his head and sunk his teeth into the back of Peter's neck. Abandon pulled up abruptly and yanked Peter up with him. Peter gasped in shock as Abandon flew upward before he spread his wings and glided a bit. He landed on the building that Peter was trying to swing to with his webbing.

Abandon dropped him gently and landed with his wings plastered against his flank. Abandon turned his head and saw Zorum flying right behind him. "What was that," snapped Zorum as he blinked his eyes in rage.

"It was nothing," argued Peter as he pressed his hand against his wound. Abandon could imagine Peter grimacing behind his mask.

"Nothing," growled Abandon as he shoved his ears forward. "You could have gotten yourself killed!"

"But I didn't," pointed out Peter as he sat back, panting in exhaustion.

"How are we going to make it to Oscorp if your webbing won't reach that far," asked Zorum. "We can't just carry him."

"We have to think of something fast," Abandon pointed out as he pricked his ears and heard the lizard let out another bellowing sound. "Really fast."

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