Help From Friends

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The lizard lifted it's claws to strike at Abandon once more before a trophy shattered over it's head. It wasn't injured, just surprised. It turned it's head and licked his lips as if saw Gwen Stacy and her companion Sheba staring at him.

He hissed, ready to attack them too before Peter used his webs and managed to wrap the lizard into a very strong cocoon. The lizard had no way of ripping through that fast. Peter then looked to Gwen.

"Do I even want to know what you're doing here," he asked out of concern.

Gwen through the trophy away. "I think saving you."

That was the only part of their conversation that Abandon heard. He was more concerned about Sheba. He darted to her side and touched his nose to her ear. "Are you alright," he asked, panting.

She drew back in fear. "I'm fine are you alright?!"

Abandon looked at his pelt and realized it was drenched in blood and he wasn't sure who's. "I'm sure it's nothing," he assured although his one shoulder was stinging madly. "It's just a few scratches, nothing I can't handle."

Sheba frowned before the lizard began screeching again. Abandon looked to Sheba sternly. "You have to go with Gwen," he told her out of concern. "Stay with her no matter what and protect her."

"What about you," argued Sheba as she strode toward Gwen who was still talking to Peter.

"I have to stay with Peter," Abandon pointed out with a polite dip of his head. His eyes turned soft and he shook his head to stay tough. "You have your companion and I have mine. Don't worry about me though I'll be fine."

Sheba couldn't help but worry but to appease Abandon she nodded. Peter suddenly strapped Gwen to a web and Sheba jumped into Gwen's arms. They leaped down before Peter looked to Abandon.

"We have to go," he told him sternly and Abandon sighed.

"I know. I know." With that he spread his wings and leaped through the already shattering glass. Peter followed, knowing that they would have to fight the dreaded lizard again.

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