The Fun Never Ends

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Abandon woke up with a start when the first rays of light landed on his face. He shook his head to clear it before he spread his wings and flew down. He found Peter's house and just decided to come in his window so he'd skip the process of sneaking in.

When he tapped on the glass Peter was getting ready for school. He looked like he usually did but Abandon knew he was trying hard to impress Gwen Stacy. He had been trying to impress Sheba but he was pretty sure he had sent her away.

"Are you ready," asked Abandon as he hauled himself into the room and fell on a pile of clothes.

Peter spun around and let out a breath of relief. "You had be worried Abandon," Peter gasped as he kneeled down and hugged Abandon. Abandon struggled to breath as he wriggled out of Peter's grasp.

"I'm fine," he argued with a stern growl. "I just tried sleeping somewhere else for a night!"

Peter looked down. "Do you not like it here," he asked as he ran a hand behind the back of his neck.

Abandon's eyes widened in shock. "Of course not! I love it here it's just that I met a friend who offered me to stay there for just one night."

Peter smiled a bit. "Are you ready for school," asked Peter as he grasped his back pack that probably had his costume in it.

"Here take this," Abandon ordered to Peter as he slipped off his costume and threw them at Peter. Peter caught them and shoved them into his book back.

"Now let's go," Peter told him as he darted out of the room with Abandon following, his fur bristling. They halted into the kitchen again as Aunt May stared at them blankly.

"Is everything alright Aunt May," asked Peter as he pushed forward and hugged her close.

Aunt May nodded and pushed him away. "I'm fine it's just a hard day," she confessed before she handed Peter a bagged lunch. "Here I thought you might like this."

Peter looked down and frowned. He didn't usually make Aunt May pack his lunch but he was grateful that she did. "Thanks Aunt May!"

Aunt May then kneeled down and took out a long bone. "Here this is for Abandon. It's from the chicken we're going to have tonight."

Abandon's eyes brightened and his mouth watered. He took the bone gratefully and gulped madly. He whimpered which was the closest thing he could do to thank Aunt May without talking. He turned turned back and sucked some of the remaining meat from the bone.

"I'll see you later Aunt May," called Peter as he bolted out of the door with Abandon following.

"Are you sure she's okay," mumbled Abandon around his large bone that was almost as large as his front leg.

"I think so," murmured Peter as he shook his head to clear it. "She's usually not like that but I'm sure it's just her desire to take care of something."

"Well I like it," yipped Abandon as his tail wagged.

Peter rolled his eyes. "Well let's just see if it happens tomorrow."

"You seem jumpy," muttered Abandon as he turned the bone in his jaws and slobbered on the bone.

"I'm just a bit nervous," Peter confessed as he picked up the place. "Let's just go. I don't want to be late."

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