Summoning Courage

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Abandon strode toward Sheba. He lowered his head toward her face and let out a breath. "H-Hey," he stammered hopefully as he licked his lips in embarrassment.

Sheba lifted her head and blinked her intellectual eyes. "Hi," she barked brightly as she rose herself to her paws and stretched out. The sunlight was caught on her brilliant pelt and Abandon felt the breath stuck in his throat. "Do you need something?"

Abandon sunk down and shook his head to clear it. "Er no I just wanted to talk to you," he barked as he looked at Sheba with sparkling eyes.

Sheba closed the book she was reading and she pushed herself to her paws. "What do you want to talk about," she asked as she inched her head forward and climbed out from under the picnic table.

Abandon smiled and wagged his tail. "I just wanted to see how you were," he murmured. "I mean I don't know too much about you."

Sheba's eyes softened. "That is true." She thought for a heartbeat before dipping her head. "What do you want to know?"

"Well I know you live with the Stacey's but that's all I know," murmured Abandon as he extended his claws into the ground. "You are Gwen's companion like I am Peter's companion. I don't know too much."

Sheba snorted in amusement. "Well you're not too far off," she chided as she leaned forward and rested her head on her paws. "My parents were actually K9 officers. They fought to protect the streets from crime with the NYPD."

"Does your father work with Captain Stacy," asked Abandon as he tilted his head and flicked his ears.

She nodded. "Yes he does."

"And your mother," pressed Abandon as he settled down and tried to curl his unusually long claws into his pads. However his talons pierced his pads and blood trickled out. He grumbled under his breath and licked the blood away.

Sheba's eyes lit in grief. "My mother died when I was very young," she murmured darkly. "She died after she gave birth to my little brother."

"I'm so sorry," gasped Abandon, realizing he had hit a sore spot with Sheba and that was not what he wanted.

Sheba raised her head and smiled. "It's alright. You didn't know. How about you? How did you get acquainted with Peter's family?"

"Well when I was young my parents were killed by humans," Abandon explained as he felt a fire light in his underbelly and for a heartbeat he just wanted to harm any human that came close to him. He let his claws extend a bit. "Then I was taken by scientists before I broke out and found Peter."

Sheba's eyes rounded. "Looks like you've had a much harder life that I had," she breathed as she sat up and leaned forward a bit and smiled.

Abandon sat up and shuffled his paws. "Well it doesn't bother me anymore. It used to but I got over it. What's your brother's name?"

Sheba chuckled a bit. "More like what's my bother's name. He is a pain in the tail sometimes." She shook her head to clear it, knowing that Abandon just wanted a name. He didn't usually do very well with jokes. "His name is Bornite. It's a type of beautiful rock but I usually call him coal."

Abandon snorted in amusement but it was forced since he didn't understand why it was so funny. "I don't think I had any littermates, at least none that I know about."

"Well that's alright," assured Sheba as she drew a little closer to Abandon and Abandon felt a rush through him. "Some littermates can be pains."

Abandon nodded before he looked away. He was panting madly in embarrassment and just wanted not to be looked at so intently by a dog whom he liked. "Y-Yeah I guess," he stammered as he licked his paw before he drew it over his ear in a quick and rushed grooming.

"So how long have you been Gwen's companion," he asked as he tried to get her attention back on herself although he did to a certain extend like the attention from the beautiful she-dog.

"For as long as I can remember," she murmured in embarrassment. "Which probably isn't that long though."

Abandon smiled. "I've been with Peter for about a year."

"Peter must be lucky to have a dog like you as his companion," pointed out Sheba as she curled her tail over her back.

"I'm not sure about that," argued Abandon as he took an embarrassed step back. He suddenly slipped on a tray that someone must have left from lunch the day before. He let out a yelp and skidded into another trashcan. The trashcan fell forward and landed on Abandon's body and head. He whimpered as trash fell on him and he felt slime rush over his pelt.

"Abandon," gasped Sheba as she darted forward, her tail tip flicking in concern. She blinked her eyes as she lowered down and prodded her nose against his cheek.

Abandon felt a rush when she touched him and he nearly jolted backwards. However he kept his composure and just managed a groan. "Well this isn't going to come out easily," he muttered. He tried to stand up but the can was too heavy and he just jolted back down and more garbage fell out onto him.

"Oh let me help," offered Sheba quickly as she butted her head against the trash can. It rolled over Abandon's spine and Abandon stifled a growl of pain and disgust as more garbage showered over him. He suddenly felt ash fall on his head and he grumbled.

"Looks like I found where everyone puts their cigarettes so no teacher can tell that they smoke," growled Abandon as he sat up. He raised a paw and brushed the ash off of his forehead. He suddenly let out a volley of sneezes to clear the ash from where it landed in his nose.

"Bless you," rumbled Sheba as she stifled a laugh of amusement. She leaned forward and picked an apple core from between his shoulders and threw it aside. "That will grow an apple tree."

"Then they'll have to tell the story of the wolf who was too embarrassed to talk to the she-dog and he fell into the garbage can," snarled Abandon as he lashed his tail in rage.

Sheba frowned and scooted back a bit cautiously. "You're embarrassed to speak to me," asked Sheba in surprise as her ears flicked upward.

Abandon opened his mouth to speak but he didn't know what to say. He just hung his head before he felt an unsurpassable urge to shake. He rose to his paws and turned away from Sheba before he extended his wings and shook madly.

Garbage went flying and Sheba rose a paw to her face to block the flying garbage. However when she opened her eyes she saw that Abandon had wings! They were sprouted from his flank and they were massive. They looked to be two wolves long! They were dark brown with white highlights, like an eagle's wings, exactly. They looked muscular and well toned, ready for flight.

"You have wings," gasped Sheba as she sat on her haunches with round eyes.

Abandon realized what had happened and he struggled to thrust his wings back against his flank. He felt spaghetti sauce slide through his pelt, where his wings should be placed. He didn't want to make himself more messy so he just held his wings out awkwardly. He looked at Sheba and couldn't think of what to say.

"How long have you had wings," she asked with wild and uncontrollable eyes.

Abandon realized he couldn't stay here with Sheba's round eyes just staring at him. "I er gotta go," he confessed as he turned and darted, embarrassment flooding from his pelt in waves.

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