Finding Hope

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Abandon was on the same place on Peter's bed two weeks after the lizard attack. He hadn't moved much, not even to eat. He barely had any appetite and his shoulder still bothered him so he decided not to exercise it.

Peter was taking the battle a lot better than Abandon. His wound was healing nicely and so was his spirit. He was always cheerful around Abandon, trying to cheer him up. He still went to school but Abandon stayed home, not even having any interest to even see Sheba. He just wanted the pain in his heart to ebb and it wasn't. He barely had any energy and the energy he did have was used just pulling himself into sitting position.

Abandon was laying on the bed when he heard a knock at the front door. He grunted as he rose to his paws. Aunt May wasn't home and he wasn't actually sure where Peter was. He grunted as he leaped down from the bed and yelped in pain as agony jolted up his shoulder. He blinked his eyes to try and stop the tears from fighting their way from his eyes before he hobbled toward the door.

He poked his muzzle out before he hopped to the stairs, not even placing any weigh on his injured shoulder. He spread his wings and flew down the stairs since that would be much quicker. He landed, his wings spread forward and he saw that Peter had just closed the door.

He pricked his ears and heard Sheba's soft bark. "Sheba," he gasped in interest as his ears pricked. He pulled himself forward and whimpered as he pushed his head against the door. Peter turned suddenly and opened the door before Abandon limped out. He tried to hide his pain but as soon as he met Sheba's gaze he knew that she knew how much pain he was truly in and not all of it was physical.

"Sheba," breathed Abandon as he dragged himself toward her and touched his nose to her ear and wagged his tail.

"Abandon," cried Sheba as she took a step backwards and looked at Abandon in horror. "What happened?"

Abandon looked at his shoulder shyly. "Er would you believe me if I told you that I fought that giant lizard?"

Sheba's eyes widened. "I was afraid that you were there," she whispered as she squeezed her eyes shut. "And now you're injured!"

"It's nothing serious," argued Abandon as he tried to shake his pelt to show Sheba that he was alright. However the motion made more pain sear through him and he gasped. "I just popped it out of place."

"Why is it still so tender," wondered Sheba as she sniffed it and Abandon had to stop himself from leaping into the air.

"It's just not used to exercise," confessed Abandon darkly. "I haven't really left the house since the attack. It took it's tole on me more than just my shoulder."

"I'm so sorry," sympathized Sheba as she leaned forward and licked Abandon's cheek. Abandon's eyes widened in shock and he blushed and Sheba chuckled in amusement. "Are you coming to school tomorrow?"

Abandon thought for a moment. "Er are you," he wondered hopefully. He'd certainly be there is she was but if she wasn't then he wouldn't bother.

"Yeah," she yipped excitedly. "If you want maybe I can help you exercise a bit. I can be that one thing to push you."

Abandon's tail began to wag madly and he nodded vigorously. "Y-Yes please that'd be g-great," he stuttered as he looked into Sheba's eyes and his own heart skipped a few beats.

Sheba looked like she wanted to say something else but suddenly Gwen clapped her hands and Sheba looked torn. "Great I'm sorry I have to go." With that she turned and bounded into the rain with Gwen following.

Abandon leaned forward and flicked his ears backwards. He sighed heavily and muttered half to himself.

"I think she's interested in you," muttered Peter as he sat down on a chair and looked into the rain.

"You think," rasped Abandon hopefully as he tootled over, nearly tripping over his shoulder. "I mean I'd hoped but I could never say for certain."

"Of course I think," assured Peter as he crossed his arms and kept looking into the rain. "Just talk to her tomorrow and you'll see. Ask her out on a date or whatever wolves do."

Abandon didn't have the guts to tell Peter that he truly didn't know what wolves did on a 'date'. He only knew dogs and they really didn't date, they just mate and he was certainly not going to do that to Sheba. He knew that he would have to think of his own idea for a date and it had to be spectacular.

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