Finding Something That Wasn't Meant to Be Found

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When Abandon and Peter arrived home they strode into the kitchen. Peter opened the fridge. "Spaghetti and meatballs agains."

"You love spagetti and Meatballs," Aunt May pointed out as she looked to Peter who had taken out a bottle of juice. He sat on the counter with his feet dangling as he sipped it.

Aunt May turned to Abandon and threw him a piece of raw meatball. Abandon caught it and swallowed it whole.

Aunt May then turned to face Peter. "What happened to your face? Were you in a fight?"

Peter shook his head. Before he could answer though Uncle Ben came up from downstairs with a boxful of bowling trophies. He set them down on the able and Aunt May sighed.

"Don't put that on the table," she scolded.

"But these are my bowling trophies," he pointed out as he looked at his wife.

Peter looked down at his uncle's feet. "Where's the flood?"

Uncle Ben chuckled a bit. "Follow me and I'll show you," he told Peter as he turned and began heading toward the basement. Abandon followed, raising a paw to stop more blood from dripping from his nose.

The three of them strode downstairs. Sure enough water coated the basement floor and Peter talked to his uncle about how best solve the problem. Abandon began scuffling around and he smelled a strange scent. He traveled to what seemed like a desk and looked under it. There was a large leather pouch.

He let out a a whimper and Peter came over. "What's wrong buddy," he asked as he kneeled down but not far enough to get too wet.

Abandon thrust his muzzle forward and Peter grasped the bag.

"Come on Peter, dinner," reminded Uncle Ben as he strode upstairs.

Peter grasped the bag and gasped as he looked to Abandon who looked rather pleased with himself. "Thanks." He stroked Abandon a bit before he stood up with the bag in hand. He traveled upstairs with Abandon following.

They strode back into the kitchen and Peter set the bag on the counter. "Oh you found that old thing," grumbled Uncle Ben.

"That was your father's," chimed in Aunt May with a smile.

"I asked your father why he needed a leather bag at nineteen but he never answered. But you'll never guess who sold it to him." Peter looked up to his uncle. "Your mother. That's now they met."

Abandon lashed his tail before he look up at Peter who seemed more distressed than ever.

"But why just leave this," asked Peter, vaguely remembering his father with that bag when he was dropped off at his aunt and uncles.

"Your father was a very secretive man Peter," pointed out Aunt May.

"But who is this with him," asked Peter as he showed Aunt May and Uncle Ben a picture with his father and another man without an arm.

"I don't know Peter," confessed Uncle Ben.

Peter didn't really want to hear about this now. "Just go and wash your hands," Aunt May told him once he was finished staring off into space.

Peter nodded and grasped the bag before he clambered up to his room. Abandon followed, his tail lashing. They both pushed into his room where Peter sat down. He emptied the satchel but didn't find much.

"What were you expecting to find," inquired Abandon as his ears twitched.

"I don't know," confessed Peter as he ran his fingers through his hair. He sighed and grasped an eyeglass case. He opened it and saw a pair of glasses.

"Those were your fathers," guessed Abandon as he rubbed his head against Peter's hand to calm him. "I'm so sorry you had to find this like this."

"It's not your fault," pointed out Peter as he opened the glasses case. "Do you think we had the same prescription."

Abandon thought for a heartbeat. "I'm not sure. It's unlikely but-"

Before he could finish his sentence Peter was already out of the room. Abandon sighed and pushed his way out of the room and followed Peter to the bathroom. Peter took out his contacts and placed his father's glass on his face. He turned and looked at Abandon, trying to adjust his eyes to the lens.

"How do I look," asked Peter as he ran his hand over his hair.

"Handsome," answered Abandon with a flick of his tail tip.

Peter smiled before he went back into his room. Abandon followed before Peter locked the door. He turned back to the contents of his father's bag, trying to determine what significance they had to his father.

"Peter," called a voice at the door.

Peter looked up and so did Abandon. "One sec Uncle Ben," called Peter as him and Abandon tried to push the contents away so Uncle Ben didn't see them. Abandon helped and once they were finished Peter sat at his computer and Abandon laid on the bed.

Peter turned off the lock. "Come in."

Uncle Ben opened the door and looked at the lock. He then grabbed Peter's rubix cube that he had completed years ago. "You know Peter that I didn't have a great education. I stopped being able to help you with your homework when you were ten. Now there are some things that I've kept from you about your father."

"That's okay," Peter assured.

"No it's not!" Peter swiveled a bit in his chair. "That man with your father is Kirk Conners. They worked together. After you father died I didn't hear anything from him."

Uncle Ben rose from his seat and turned to look at him. "You look just like him." He then exited the room and Peter looked at Abandon.

"I have a lead!"

Abandon leaped from Peter's ben and bounded toward him. "Lead. That is barely a lead Peter. It's one name."

Peter wasn't listening though. He was typing everything he could on Kirk Conners and Richard Parker. He managed to track them both to Oscorp.

"Hey Peter I think you missed something," called Abandon as he grasped the satchel gingerly in his teeth and pulled it. "I hear some papers shuffling around."

Peter narrowed his eyes before he took the case from Abandon. He growled but let Peter take it. He ran his finger along it and it suddenly slipped down. He exchanged a glance with Abandon who just beamed, his tail wagging. He then turned it upside down and papers fell out.

Peter scrambled to pick them up and when he did he turned them over. "What is it," asked Abandon as he struggled to see.

Peter opened the folder and looked at it. "It looks like what my father was working on," he explained as he showed it to Abandon.

Abandon pointed his paw to two zeroes which were crossed out. "It looks like some type of equation."

"Oscorp," Peter gasped as he rushed back to his computer and typed. "They have internships closed but maybe we could sneak in."

Abandon rolled his eyes. "Yes just walk in and talk to Kirk Conners, that's a great idea," he snorted in amusement.

"Come on Abandon," begged Peter as he lowered down to Abandon's level. "This is the only chance I have." He slammed the paper down and Abandon felt his own heart stir since he wanted to find out what happened to his own father. It seemed like helping Peter find out about his father would in turn help him. "Alright, what do you want me to do."

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