Practice Makes Perfect

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Abandon strode toward an alley close to the school. He sulked into it and tried to push any negative thoughts out of his head. He didn't understand why he had been kicked out of school. He didn't think he could do any harm just being with Peter but the school disagreed.

However he didn't want to think about it now. He positioned himself at the back of the alley and flapped his wings. He got higher than he had the other day and he beamed as he continued to flap. He curled the wind behind his feathers before he thrust it at the wall. It collided with the wall and Abandon beamed.

He practiced for hours until he had nearly mastered flying and his wind trick. When he heard teens passing the alley he knew that Peter was finished with school. He padded out of the alley and toward the school. He saw Peter looking for him and he yipped before he darted toward him.

Peter lowered down and stroked him. "How was your day," he asked, wondering how Abandon would answer him.

"Good I think I mastered flying," barked Abandon as he kinked his tail over his back. "You don't have to worry about me Peter. We can both go to school and you can go to school while I practice my skills."

"Are you sure," asked Peter. He knew it was only for a month or so but he didn't want Abandon to resent him for it.

Abandon barked and nodded as he spread his wings since Peter and him were the only ones on the street. "Of course! Besides I'd rather be in the fresh air than trapped in a school that smells of perfume and sweat!"

Peter laughed and pushed him before he darted forward with Abandon trailing.

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