Tensions Tested

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Abandon and Peter strode through the streets of New York City until they arrived at Peter's house. Peter climbed up the steps with Abandon following, his tail lashing a bit.

Abandon stiffened as he saw Uncle Ben sitting on the bench on the porch. Peter was about to walk through the door but he saw his Uncle and held back.

"Where were you," asked Uncle Ben in a stern and disappointed tone.

Abandon had never experienced this tone with his parents before but he hadn't known his parents for long. However he had heard this disappointed tone with Uncle Ben and Aunt May enough to understand that he didn't like it. He was glad he didn't experience that with his own parents.

"Er just out," Peter murmured with a shrug in his usual teenage defiant tone that Abandon was now used to.

Suddenly Peter's phone started to ring. Peter was about to answer it but Uncle Ben shook his head. "No don't bother answering it. I just wanted to make sure it was working."

Abandon twitched his tail tip in fear. He dreaded that Peter and him were about to get in some serious trouble that he couldn't avoid. When Abandon looked back up at Uncle Ben his breath was caught in his throat.

"Did you forget something," asked Uncle Ben as he expected a response. Peter looked to Abandon who just shrugged. He didn't know what to say. "Aunt May."

Peter growled to himself and Abandon closed his eyes. He now remembered earlier that day when Uncle Ben had asked Peter to pick up his aunt and he had forgotten. He was kicking himself and so was Abandon that he hadn't reminded his companion about his aunt.

"I'm so sorry Uncle Ben," started Peter but Uncle Ben wasn't interested in hearing it.

"Don't apologize to me. Get in there like a man and apologize to your aunt," ordered Uncle Ben as he pointed toward the open door.

Peter bit his lip and Abandon ducked his head into his shoulders, his eyes flickering. He let Peter go first. He knew that he wasn't being punished but he felt like it was partly or mostly his fault. He would apologize to Peter later when Uncle May and Aunt May weren't staring at him.

"Aunt May I'm so sorry," started Peter as he looked at his aunt.

"Your aunt had to walk how many blocks at night," complained Uncle Ben as he stood with his arms crossed.

"Ben it's fine," argued Aunt May who didn't want to make a big deal about what had just happened. She was fine with Peter's apology.

"No it's not! Don't defend him," snapped Uncle Ben at Aunt May. Aunt May tried to argue but Uncle Ben wasn't letting her.

"Look Aunt May I am so sorry can I just go upstairs," asked Peter as he turned, ready to run up with Abandon following closely behind.

"No you can not," snapped Uncle Ben as he looked to his nephew. "Look you are a lot like your father and that's a good thing Peter and your father believed if you could do something good for someone else you had a moral right to do that."

Abandon saw something click in Peter. He curled his lip and Abandon felt his blood run cold. "He believed that. Then why isn't he here to tell me, huh?"

"Peter," began Uncle Ben but Peter cut him off and Abandon was surprised by his sudden burst of rage.

"No you listen to me! My father just left me here," he snapped and Abandon felt tears beginning to roll down Peter's face a bit.

"You have no right to say anything about your father like that," Uncle Ben growled sternly. "He also believed in respect."

Peter snarled something that Abandon didn't catch. He was too bust feeling shocked at what was unfolding in front of him. Peter suddenly turned and surged forward the door. He opened it and slammed it. The glass suddenly shattered and Abandon frowned.

Abandon surged forward and leaped through the shattered glass door. He flicked his tail over his back before he bounded to Peter's side.

"Peter," gasped Abandon as he looked up at his companion. However Peter wasn't interesting in accounting for his actions. Such rage was wafting off of him that Abandon didn't have to be a wolf to feel it.

Peter turned into a convenient store with Abandon following. He was still trying to communicate with Peter but it wasn't happening. He was just rude and brushed off anything that Abandon had to say.

"You don't want to say something you will regret," Abandon pointed out as he pranced in front of Peter.

Peter just nudged Abandon aside and Abandon growled in anger. He wanted to will Peter to understand but that obviously wasn't going to happen. He just decided to shut his muzzle and let Peter buy his milk and try to get him home.

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