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Abandon stayed in the vet's office for a few more days. They wanted to make sure that he was alright before they sent him back to whatever it was where he was injured. However Abandon was ready to move. He hated laying still.

Peter was ready for when Abandon was told he was ready to get out of bed. He had to be very cautious though for the first few days since the smoke had contaminated his lungs something fierce. They just told him to stay away from any irritates and rest when he needed to. However Abandon had no desire to listen.

He strode out of the vet's office, stumbling a bit since his legs weren't ready for harsh movement yet. He managed to pick himself up though and he romped forward, one lazy paw after the other.

"I've never seen you walk like that," teased Peter as he copied him and Abandon growled harshly.

"I haven't walked in a few days," he pointed out as he shook his head to clear it. "Or sit up for that matter. I'm going to be a little stiff."

"Then we should get you loose," offered Peter but he knew he couldn't push Abandon too hard. However he needed to get him back to normal since he was sure that Spiderman and Freedom would still be needed.

"Suit up," offered Abandon before he stretched out his wings and bounded down the sidewalk. He let out a panting breath before the wind churned under his wings and it began to lift it. It thrust him into the air and he tilted his wings again and the wind thrust him upward. He flapped his wings a bit and began flying upward madly.

Peter smiled before he rushed to put on his suit before he used his web slingers and flew into the air after Abandon. Despite not using his legs for a while his wings didn't seem to mind. They were just pleased to stretch and Abandon enjoyed feeling the wind in his fur. He wasn't about to just sit and do nothing when he could be doing something more productive.

"Keep up," called Abandon as he flipped onto a building. He landed gently and tucked his wings against his sides.

"For being out of commission for a few days and almost dying you are sure spry," Peter pointed out as he kneeled down, suddenly out of breath.

Abandon puffed out his chest fur in pride. "It must have been what my wings needed. A little rest," he murmured as he shook his head to clear it. He then strode toward the edge of the building and looked down. "I've always loved this sight. I know most wolves are afraid of heights but for some reason being this high up calms me."

Peter strode to Abandon's side and stroked his fur. "I know. It's amazing being up this high."

Abandon dipped his head before he heard a yelp. "Can we go," asked Abandon hopefully as he flicked up his wings against his side and sprawled out his feathers.

Peter shot out a web and beamed. "Sure!" He leaped into the air and the web carried him forward.

Abandon lifted his head and let out a howl. He then jumped into the wind with his wings thrust out. He flapped his wings and followed Peter through the air. It seems like life is back to normal.

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