Time to Fight

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Abandon bunched his muscles before he surged forward. He spread his wings and flew toward the lizard. He opened his talons and sunk his claws into the lizard's shoulder. The lizard snarled in pain but he reached a claw and pulled Abandon off of his shoulder. He thrust him into a wall and Abandon felt pain ripple though him.

He shook his head to clear it before he snarled and readied himself to leap back toward the lizard. He was trying to buy Peter time to help Gwen usher kids out of the school but the lizard wanted Peter more than he wanted Abandon. Abandon was just an annoyance to him. An annoyance that needed to be taken care of.

Abandon shook his head to clear it and snarled as saliva dripped from his fangs. He braced his shoulders before he dove for the lizard once more. He sunk his teeth into the lizard's foot. The lizard snarled in annoyance and shook his foot madly, Abandon still holding strong. Eventually the lizard turned and slammed Abandon into the brick wall. Abandon yelped and let go of the foot, slumping to the ground. His body wailed in protest as he tried to rise and once he did he fell flat on his face, groaning.

"Leave him alone," snapped Peter as he turned to face the lizard but not in his uniform.

The lizard turned away from Abandon and back to Peter. "Peter Parker," the lizard spat as it readied for it's attack.

Peter took a few steps back before the lizard surged forward. It threw him against the ground but Peter was quicker. He shot out a web and turned before he kicked the lizard firmly in the chest. The lizard staggered back before Abandon leaped on it's back and sunk his teeth into the lizard's neck. Rancid blood leaked out onto the ground and Abandon forced his jaws open as he spat out the blood. It was the worst thing he had ever tasted.

"Didn't your parents every tell you not to mess with a lizard?" The lizard turned it's head and sunk it's own teeth into Abandon's spine. Abandon yelped as he was thrown once more. This time he didn't get up.

The lizard turned before it lowered down and launched at Peter again. Peter grabbed a locker and tried to use that as a weapon but the lizard was having none of that. It threw the locker aside and leaped for Peter, trying to scratch as his chest.

"I will make you feel pain," the lizard spat as it's razor sharp teeth clicked dangerously close to Peter's neck.

Peter turned his head and saw his chance. He shot some webbing into the lizard's face before he darted toward the science lab room. Meanwhile Abandon had finally managed to shake off his own pain. His eyes fixed on the science lab and surged forward, his claws clicking against the floor. He looked around and saw the lizard wrestling with Peter. The lizard managed to throw him into the wall.

Abandon snarled before he darted forward, his fur beginning to bristle. The lizard looked down on him in mockery. "I know you," he rasped in a tone like a snake. "You're his little pet, Abandon."

"That's not my name right now," Abandon argued as he curled his claws in on themselves.

The lizard pretended to look scared. "What are you called now that you're in this petty form wolf?" He didn't really care what Abandon was called. He was going to kill him the same way.

Abandon licked his lips. "My name is Freedom."

"Freedom," huffed the lizard as he rolled his eyes. "Don't make me laugh! The only freedom you give is freedom from having to look at such a freak as yourself."

"I'm the freak," inquired Abandon as he lifted one wing. "I'd rather be mixed with the DNA of an eagle than of a lizard. How about you?"

The lizard hissed before he leaped for Abandon again. This time before he could make contact webs shot out and the lizard fell backwards. Abandon turned and saw Peter or Spiderman fully suited up and ready for action.

"You certainly took your time," grumbled Abandon as he wrinkled his nose in impatience.

"Look who's talking," Peter shot back as he shot another web at the lizard. The lizard easily broke the webs and shot forward.

"What should we do now then genius," asked Abandon as his ears twitched in impatience.

"I have an idea," Peter told him calmly.

Abandon rolled his eyes. "Then what is it?"


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