Time Drags On

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For the next month and a half of Peter at school Abandon strode to the same alley and practiced his flying and wind manipulation. He was getting pretty good at it and the last day of school when Peter rushed out of the door Abandon was waiting right there for him.

"Are you excited," asked Abandon as his tail wagged. "That you are going to be an 11th grader next year?"

Peter nodded. "Oh yeah I'm just glad 10th grade is over."

"Yeah next year will be much better," assured Abandon before he flapped his wings and curled his wings a bit under him. He made a small cyclone and concentrated it on a trash can across the street. He then lowered down and looked up at Peter. "I've been working on that."

"I can tell. It looks like I haven't been the only one doing a lot of work," commented Peter as he ruffled the fur between Abandon's ears.

"You haven't! Now we have the whole summer to practice," yipped Abandon before he pushed against Peter's leg, trying to push him over. Peter realized that Abandon had grown. He no longer had soft pup fur but thick adult wolf fur that would provide protection from the elements.

"Remember I have to work on my photography," pointed out Peter. "I have to make my own money some how."

Abandon nodded and turned his muzzle to the sky, excited about what the summer would bring.

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