Worst Mistake Of Your Life

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Abandon watched impatiently as Peter chose some milk and strode to the counter. He had his money but he was six cents short. He tried to take some from a small penny tray but the owner wouldn't allow it.

A now more angry strode toward the entrance, fuming. Suddenly the man behind him pushed some beer and it exploded once it collided with the ground. Peter turned his head, now interested in what was happening.

The man behind him grabbed some money from the cash resister before he threw the bottle of milk to Peter. Peter caught it before he let the man leave with the money.

Abandon gasped in shock. "Aren't you going after him," asked Abandon as he lashed his tail in rage.

"It's not my problem," pointed out Peter as he strode away. Abandon snarled and leaped in front of Peter.

"How can it not be," asked Abandon with rage now in his own eyes. "It's morally wrong and you know it."

Peter nudged Abandon out of the way again and Abandon plastered his ears against his head. He just strode after Peter. He couldn't make him care but he could show him how angry he was at him for not doing the right thing.

Suddenly a gun shot rose up. Abandon turned and his ears were ringing from the sound. He saw a man fallen with blood oozing from his stomach. "Peter," cried Abandon before he rushed forward. He was tempted to take flight but he knew that others around him would see and he couldn't allow that to happen.

He just darted to the man's side with Peter following. With a gasp Abandon realized it was Uncle Ben. Once Peter came Abandon tried to say something comforting but he knew nothing. Peter suddenly pushed Abandon harshly out of the way and he fell on the ground to watch Peter mourn in despair.

"Uncle Ben. Uncle Ben! Please!" Peter shoved a hand to try and stop the bleeding. "Someone call an ambulance!"

"Peter, he's gone," murmured Abandon gently as he strode toward him. "There's nothing that you can do."

"Don't say that," roared Peter and Abandon felt his fur bristle.

A police officer suddenly rushed to Peter's side and rested a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry son," he began but Peter wasn't listening.

"You need to help him," he cried as tears streamed down his face.

"We can't," argued the police officer as a few other officers strode over to help. They grasped Peter's shoulders and hauled him off Uncle Ben since he wasn't about to get off of him any other way.

Peter thrashed around madly and tried to hit one of the officers but Abandon darted in and pressed against him. The officers set him aside and Abandon rushed to him as he tried to calm him down.

"It's alright," Abandon began but Peter suddenly grasped Abandon's shoulders and cried into his pelt. Abandon just stood rigid and licked the tears that fell from Peter's face. He wanted to try and cheer him up but he had no idea how to.

"He's gone Abandon," wailed Peter as he just wept and Abandon felt almost shocked to the bone. He had never seen Peter like this before.

"I know," murmured Abandon as he licked Peter's hand. "But we can't do anything now Peter. We have to move on."

Peter shook his head. "It is never going to be alright!"

Abandon wasn't sure how to help his friend. He wanted to make everything better but he had no idea how to do that. All he could do was hope that Peter would overcome this.

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