Grief Carries On

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Abandon woke up with a start and he flicked his ears upward. He yawned and looked over to Peter who was still sleeping. He whimpered and shoved his muzzle against Peter's hand.

Peter gasped and bolted awake. He looked at Abandon and Abandon's eyes turned innocent. "S-Sorry," he stammered as he licked his lips. "I didn't mean to wake you but I did. It's time for school."

Peter sighed and frowned at Abandon. "I doubt that you would come in today," he asked as he stretched out a hand to stroke Abandon.

Abandon shook his head as he sunk his fangs into the sheets and began to tug them off of Peter. "Come on," he urged before he let go of the covers. "We're going to be late."

"Can you come in," repeated Peter as he leaned forward and leaped from his bed. Abandon flapped his wings and took to the air as he began to make the bed as he usually did.

"You know I can't," pointed out Abandon as he mumbled around a pillow as he threw it against the top of the bed and straightened it. "I'm not allowed."

Peter muttered before he rushed to get dressed. Once he was finished he grasped his book bag and headed toward the bathroom. Abandon finished making the bed before he thrust a paw over his face in a quick grooming. Once he finished he turned and grabbed Peter's book bag and carried it toward the entrance of his room.

He then closed the door and growled a bit. Peter looked out from the bathroom and forced a smile. "Thanks Abandon."

"Sure," muttered Abandon as he threw his head upward and tossed the bag to Peter. Peter raised an eyebrow at Abandon in surprise.

"How did you do that," asked Peter as he threw the book bag over his one shoulder, a move that Abandon realized was cool now in teenagers.

"I don't know," confessed Abandon as he craned his head forward. "I mean I guess I inherited an eagle's strong neck."

Peter just nodded before he started down the stairs. Abandon flapped his wings and followed. He landed gently and folded his wings against his flank. He romped forward with Peter pushing forward, his head still bowed in grief.

They strode into the kitchen. Abandon's stomach growled but he just growled and suppressed the urge to ask for something to eat. He just gulped and strode over to his water bowl which was still halfway full. He lapped at the water and felt the cold and refreshing liquid travel down his throat. Once he had finished he strode back over to the fridge and opened it with his head.

He let out a bark of relief as he found a long strip of something that looked like meat. "Get Abandon out of the fridge," screeched Aunt May, still in her robe.

Abandon felt a tug at his throat and he was thruster backwards. He nearly choked on the chicken. He spat it onto the ground but he knew Peter wouldn't take it from him. "Bad boy," Peter grumbled in a faltering attempt to discipline him. Abandon knew he didn't mean it but he still ate the chicken guiltily.

"You're not going to school, are you," asked Aunt May as she poured herself some tea.

"I have to," Peter pointed out before he grabbed an apple for breakfast that Abandon wouldn't have minded eating.

Abandon finished his chicken and licked the fat from his whiskers. He then strode toward Peter and pushed his head against Peter's leg. "Time to go," he whispered so that Aunt May couldn't hear him.

Peter nodded and kissed Aunt May's cheek. "See you later," he murmured before he darted out of the door which would still need replacing. Abandon followed and waved his tail before he twitched his ears. He knew it would be a hard day for Aunt May but he couldn't stay home when Peter needed him.

"You know it's going to be hard since people know," pointed out Abandon as he weaved between Peter's legs to keep him alert but he didn't dare trip him.

"I know," grumbled Peter as he looked up before he looked to Abandon as if expecting him to say something that would comfort him.

"I'll be right outside if you need me," murmured Abandon as he waved his tail.

Peter didn't say anything and they walked in silence for the rest of the trip to school. They stopped at the entrance and Peter kneeled down to stroke Abandon between the ears. "Have fun," Abandon offered but Peter just shook his head and strode into school.

Abandon stood with his pelt prickling. He turned and saw the beautiful Sheba laying under a picnic table. She was reading something that Abandon couldn't see but he was sure that it was something scientific since she was so intelligent. He wished he could be as smart as her but that would never happen.

He puffed out his chest and decided to talk to her.

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