Fighting Back

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A wail rose in Abandon's throat since he was having trouble breaking. Flash didn't know how tightly he was grasping onto Abandon's neck and Abandon could hardly breath. His eyes were bulging out of his head while his tail lashed.

Peter narrowed his eyes and set down his camera. He launched himself for Flash but Flash was quicker. He moved out of the way and Peter slammed into the lockers. Flash then turned and slammed his head again in the lockers. Blood began to drip from Peter's nose but he wasn't finished yet. He turned and threw a punch toward Flash's face but Flash ducked just in time and Peter's fist collided with the lockers once more.

"Look how he fights," chanted a girl from the back. "Like a nerd!"

Ripples of laugher echoed through the hallway and fury and embarrassment made Peter want to try and fight harder. It wasn't working through since he kept missing Flash suddenly seemed to have enough of Peter's failed efforts since he raised Abandon over his head before moving him toward the trophy case.

"I can kill him right against the glass if you want," Flash offered and Abandon shrieked in agony and terror.

"Put him down," howled Peter before he threw himself at Flash. Flash felt the impact and fell to the ground. Abandon flew from his grasp and once he landed he leaped on Flash and snarled at him. Flash kicked out a leg and it collided with Abandon's jaws, sending him backwards.


All of the kids looked up to see their science teacher, Mr. Fullfront, staring down on them. "Everyone get to homeroom," he ordered. "Now!"

The kids darted away except for Flash, Peter, and Abandon. Peter got off of Flash and hauled himself to his feet. His head was pounding while blood oozed down his face from his nose. His lip was swollen and his hair ruffled. Flash didn't look bad at all. He only had a black eye to show for.

Abandon felt agony ripple from every hair on his pelt. He was shaken up and when he looked down he saw that one of his claws was about ready to fall out. He sunk his teeth into his tongue to keep from wailing aloud but that only worked for so long because he tasted blood in his mouth.

"I want you both home now," Mr. Fullfront told them as he narrowed his eyes. "If you do then I might be able to excuse this and you can return tomorrow."

Peter had to admit that wasn't a bad punishment so he gathered his things and walked off with Abandon following.

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