Emergency Leave and Emergency Bath

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Abandon darted toward the school, garbage flying from his pelt. He couldn't tuck in his wings but he didn't want anyone to see him either. He needed to get back home and get cleaned up before someone saw him.

He bounded toward the edge of a classroom window. He saw Peter toward the window and whimpered a bit. However Peter couldn't hear him. He began to tap on the window, hoping that he'd make enough noise for Peter to head him and come to his rescue.

"Peter Parker please close the blinds," muttered a teacher as he drew some math equations on the board.

Peter nodded before he padded toward the window. Abandon crouched down so that he was eye level with Peter. Peter looked up and looked a bit surprised to see Abandon. Abandon looked to his wings before he looked to his pelt which was still covered in unimaginable gross garbage.

Peter suddenly clutched him stomach and stumbled forward. "Mr. Alkahigh I don't feel so good. May I be excused?"

Mr. Alkahigh looked to Peter and threw his hands toward the door. "Yes now go!"

Peter nodded and grabbed his book bag and skateboard, pretending to be a few second away from vomiting. Once he made it to the hallway he straightened and darted toward the entrance of the school. He opened the door and saw Abandon standing in front of him, his head hung in embarrassment.

"What happened to you," asked Peter as he kneeled down and touched one of Abandon's sticky wings. He drew back and ran his hand against his pant leg to clean it off.

Abandon shuffled his paws. "It's a long story but I fell into a trashcan and Sheba saw my wings."

"Sheba saw then," grumbled Peter before he thrust his book bag over his shoulder and leaped onto his skateboard. "Come on let's get you home."

Abandon sighed before he flapped his wings a bit. He flew a bit but his wings were too slimy for him to take on full flight. He muttered into his chest fur and stretched his legs. "I'll just run," he growled before he surged forward with Peter following on his skateboard.

They strode down the sidewalk until they reached Peter's house. "You need to get me in there without Aunt May seeing," hissed Abandon though gritted teeth.

Peter nodded in understanding. "I know but what do you want me to do," Peter shot back as he picked up his skateboard.

"I don't care," grumbled Abandon, shivering. "I just want to get in and get cleaned up."

Peter sighed before he opened the door and looked around. Once he made sure that Aunt May wasn't around me motioned over his shoulder for Abandon. "Come on!"

Abandon shuffled forward and let out a hollow breath. "Are you sure?"

Peter nodded and began to pad up the stairs. Abandon followed and felt the slime on his pelt begin to dry. He just rolled his eyes and climbed up the stairs before he pushed himself into the bathroom. He blinked his eyes a bit before he leaped into the bathtub.

He used his long claws to turn on the shower and water began to rush down his pelt, washing some of the garbage from his pelt. "That feels much better," murmured Abandon with his eyes narrowed to slits. He yawned and showed his teeth a bit to Peter.

Peter beamed before he squirted some shampoo on his hands before he began to rub it through Abandon's fur. Abandon blinked his eyes thankfully. "How are you doing," asked Abandon, knowing that this probably wasn't how Peter wanted to spend his day.

"Alright I guess," muttered Peter as he aimed the water right over Abandon's head to quiet him for a heartbeat. He really didn't want to tell Abandon how he shoved Flash against the lockers.

"Well mine could have gone better," Abandon sighed as he turned his wing and licked it before he cringed. He had no idea what he just licked. "Sheba saw my wings. She probably thinks I'm a freak."

Abandon raised a paw and rubbed some soap around to try and clear the yellow from his chest fur since his chest fur was usually a gorgeous white. "Aren't you," teased Peter as he tried to make his companion feel better.

Abandon looked at him with bored eyes. "Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny Peter. Perhaps I am but I didn't want her to know that. I really like her and I didn't want to scare her away and I think I just did."

Abandon looked down but it just made him more depressed since he saw what was coming off of his pelt. It looked like he had rolled around in a landfill. "Maybe you could try speaking to her again," suggested Peter as he poured a cup of water gingerly over Abandon's wings. He was very gently so he didn't pluck out any feathers.

"I don't think so," argued Abandon as he drew back a bit, shaking water from his pelt. "I think I scared her for good. I hope she doesn't tell anyone."

"Sheba's not like that from what you've told me," Peter assured before he turned off the water and Abandon bristled his fur. He shivered a bit as he leaped out of the tub and looked up at Peter with his teeth chattering.

"You may be a bit cold for a while," murmured Peter as he threw a towel over Abandon's shoulders. Abandon sunk his teeth into it and shivered madly, water dripping from his pelt.

"Does your aunt not believe in heat," snapped Abandon as his fangs chattered together, rattling him a bit.

"She does but she doesn't believe in high heat bills," Peter quipped but that just made Abandon rolled his eyes.

"Oh yes far be it from me to ask for a little heat so I don't catch hypothermia," he sniffed as he rested his head against his drying chest fur.

"Okay now come on," called Peter as he pushed Abandon sideways.

"Wait where are we going," asked Abandon as he took a step forward, water streaming from his pelt.

"We're going to find Uncle Ben's killer," he replied as he tucked a pocket knife into his sweatshirt pocket.

"Oh no," argued Abandon as his eyes narrowed. "We should leave this to the police!"

"I can't Abandon," argued Peter as he took the towel from Abandon's pelt and he looked up in shock. "Not when he could be out there killing others. Now are you coming or not?"

Abandon sighed miserably. "Fine but it's your fault if I get sick."

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