Letting Grief Take Over

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Abandon laid next to Peter for what seemed like years but it was only a few minutes. He knew that he should help Peter but he just couldn't. Not when he had just lost his one and only friend and it had taken a larger tole than he expected.

Strength was growing a bit in his body while he had managed to stop coughing up blood. However he had no urge to go after the Lizard. He wanted to just bring Zorum back to life. It was his fault he was dead! He had asked him to help. He should have just left him out of it!

"Zorum," murmured Abandon once more as he prodded a nose against Zorum's head. He sighed and laid down, his tail lashing in grief. "Zorum please come back to me!"

Abandon got no response and he licked his lips in grief. "I'm so sorry Zorum. So sorry." He suddenly grunted and pushed himself to his paws. He hopped forward on three legs with his front leg with the dislocated shoulder dragging. He managed to haul himself to his paws and toward a dumpster that had it's top flipped over to shelter him. He crawled under it, whimpering as he rubbed his paws over his eyes.

When he closed his eyes he saw the figure of the brown and white wolf that looked like him. His eyes gleamed in the light and Abandon longed to bolt to him but something wasn't letting him. He stared at the wolf and wagged his tail before he let out a whimper. He hoped that the wolf would come closer to him but that didn't seem to be his plan.

The wolf suddenly let out a bellowing howl and Abandon felt the sudden urge to howl back. He howled back and let his fur spike down his back. He suddenly exchanged eye contact with the wolf and felt something warm tingle in his stomach. He felt as though he knew this wolf although he didn't recall ever seeing him.

"Who are you," asked Abandon as he leaned his head forward, his ears pricked.

The wolf didn't answer that question but he did speak. "You need to go back and help your friend," barked the wolf as he kinked his tail over his back.

Abandon looked like he wanted to argue but he thought better of it and nodded. "A-Alright," he stammered as he licked his lips. "Is Zorum with you, in Starbound?"

The wolf nodded slowly and smiled. "Yes he is. You don't have to worry about him," assured the wolf as he lowered his head into his shoulders.

Abandon let out a sigh of relief before he looked down at his paws and realized they were vanishing. His eyes widened in terror before his heart began to race.

"Calm down," growled the wolf as he licked his fangs. "You're waking up and when you do go straight to Peter."

Abandon nodded in understanding. He knew better than to argue with a Starbound wolf.

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