Powers Unleashed

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Later that day Peter had come and gotten Abandon. They were having a free period and animals were allowed to come into the school. Sheba was there and now so was Abandon.

Abandon stood near Peter who was trying to fix the camera that Flash had nearly broken a few days before. Flash and his team were working on their basketball skills for their upcoming games.

Flash chuckled before the ball 'fell' from his hands. It smacked into a full can of bright blue paint. It fell onto a poster and splatter on it. A girl who was working on it gasped and stood up, tucking a strand of hair behind her ears. "You did that on purpose Flash!"

"No I didn't," argued Flash smugly as he turned to his team and snickered.

Peter turned to the girl and picked up the blue paint. "Don't worry," he assured before he picked up the basketball.

"Toss it here Parker," ordered Flash as he rolled his eyes at some of the group that was around him. He certainly thought that Peter and Abandon were under him.

Parker looked at the basketball before he looked to Abandon who had strode up to him. Abandon tilted his head in confusion. He wasn't about to speak out loud with all of the high school around. However he did let Peter know that he was confused by his choices.

"If you want it Flash come and get it," Peter told him as he stood with his one hand out and the basketball placed firmly in his palm. However a small tug would easily get it out since you couldn't have a great grip with only one hands and no fingers around the ball.

Flash just grumbled before he pounded forward. He turned and grasped the ball with one hand before he pulled it harshly. He frowned when he realized he couldn't get it out. "Come on Flash," called one of his team mates before the rest of the team joined in.

"Yeah come on Flash," Peter egged on as he looked at his hand. Flash suddenly gave up and stomped around, enraged.

Peter then held it out. "Okay now take it," he offered, sounding a bit sincere.

Flash surged forward to take it but he threw it to his other hand. Flash seemed surprised and he dove for the ball again. He thrust it under his legs and over his back and all around and Flash couldn't get it. When Flash turned around he threw it and it snapped against Flash's back and back to Peter.

Abandon gulped and pressed against Peter. He sunk his teeth a bit into Peter's jeans and tugged backwards. 'We're dead,' thought Abandon as his heart began thumping madly in his chest. 'We are so dead!'

Flash turned back with narrowed eyes. He then threw his hand down. "Forget it. Give it to your mutt to chew on," he flashed as he stomped off.

Abandon thrust his ears forward and let go of Peter's pant leg. Peter looked down to him. "Get him," he whispered before he lashed his tail. He was debating whether or not to leap for Flash himself but he knew they'd probably call animal control and he didn't need that, now did he?

Peter suddenly began to dribble forward at a leisurely pace with the basketball. He then picked up the pace and Abandon let out a gasp of shock. Peter then leaped over Flash and soared through the air. He slammed dunked the basketball into the hoop but the glass shattered. Abandon's eyes widened in shock and he shuffled backwards.

Peter then lowered down but the hoop came with him. He looked up and glass showered over him. He turned and realized that most of the kids in the gym weren't there anymore.

Abandon surged forward and he felt the breath rasp in his throat. He skidded to a halt in front of Peter and looked up with his fur bristling. "Great Lupus what did you do," he gasped in shock, not even bothering to keep his voice low.

Peter shook himself and glass pieces showered over Abandon. Abandon shook his pelt so that the glass didn't pierce his pelt. However he did feel glass over his pads but his pads had hardened in being in the city with the constant hard ground and no soft grass. He then lifted up the rim of the hoop.

"I didn't mean to do this," he murmured as he dropped the rim. "I just wanted to pay him back a bit for things but I didn't mean to do this." He looked at the glass all around his feet.

Abandon shook his head to clear it a bit. "I know you didn't mean to but that doesn't mean that you didn't. We are going to get in serious trouble for this."

"We," echoed Peter as he ran his fingers through his hair. "It wasn't your fault. You didn't break the rim."

Abandon puffed out his chest in pride. "Yes but I'm your companion and I'm with you no matter what. I prefer it wouldn't be like this but I'm a find wolf and I won't let you drown alone."

Peter beamed and dropped the basketball. He was about to say something but suddenly the intercom turned on.

"Peter Parker please report to the principles office immediately!"

"Oh no," sighed Abandon as he plastered his ears to his head. He let out a hollow breath and lashed his tail. "We better go before they come and get us."

"Yeah," Peter murmured as he picked up another skateboard that he had brought. "Let's get this over with."

The two of them strode out of the gym, shame shown on their faces.

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