Killer Hunting And People Saving

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Abandon flew through the air, tilting his ears to try and take in any sounds heard. He heard a growling sound from a man and Abandon turned to Peter. "I hear something and I think it's a man!"

"Lead the way," ordered Peter as he angled his wrist and shot another web as he flew through the air.

Abandon brightened and turned. He led Peter through the streets above until the man was practically screaming in his ears. "It's this way," he hissed as he stopped on a fire escape and pricked his ears upward.

Peter looked and saw the man doing drugs. "This is the man you heard," grumbled Peter as he stepped aside.

"I heard someone else," murmured Abandon as he shook his pelt a bit. "Trust me." He pointed his muzzle to another group of men who were talking to the first man. "See now let's go!"

Peter nodded before he darted forward and Abandon followed, his wings spread out against the wind. He landed on the ground and snarled at the men. The men looked at him a bit surprise but when they saw Peter they just laughed.

"I wouldn't laugh at him," growled Abandon as he stalked forward, his tail lashing. "Or you might have to mess with me."

"What the dog of justice," one of them joked to another.

Abandon dipped his head. "I'd prefer to be called Freedom," he snarled before he lowered into a crouch and extended his claws, showing the metal. His wings spread with the metal tips and his helmet showed his narrowed eyes.

One of the men jumped back before Peter stepped forward. "No I don't want to sick my friend on you," he told them with his hands up.

"Who are you," asked one of the men as he drew a gun.

Peter looked to Abandon who rolled his eyes. "I have a mask for a reason," Peter pointed out before he used one of his webs and pulled the gun away from the man. The man fell forward a bit, surprised and scared at what had just happened.

Abandon kinked his tail over his back and rumbled in joy. "Now who wants to try us," he asked, his fur still bristling.

The men turned before they fled. Peter was about to chase after them but Abandon darted forward and grasped his foot. "Wait," he argued as he pulled Peter backwards.

"What," snapped Peter as he thrashed his foot out of Abandon's reach. "We have to follow them. What if one of them is Uncle Ben's killer!"

Abandon shook his head. "They aren't. Trust me Peter I could tell."

Peter sighed and looked to the street. "Are they dangerous?"

"Only to themselves," replied Abandon as he lashed his tail against the ground before he turned. "A drug overdose will probably kill two of them and the other two probably late paying for drugs."

"How do you know that," asked Peter as he stepped in front of Abandon to block his path.

Abandon looked up at him, grumbling before he stepped to Peter's side and flapped his wings, rising gradually. "Just a hunch. Most of the guys on the street like that end up that way. Besides I can scent how many drugs they've taken. Drugs and alcohol."

Peter just muttered but Abandon shrugged. "Don't worry." With that he sighed and took toward the sky.

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